
How Your Website Loses 7% of Potential Conversions

Download speed matters. And it is time to get serious about it. A one-second delay could result in 7 percent fewer conversions, 11 percent fewer page views, or even a 16 percent decrease in customer satisfaction. Over the last 15 years, I’ve told that to clients and it’s been confirmed by third-party research. So if speed affects business results, then why would you add a second to a page’s load time? The Google +1 button and the Facebook Like button…

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Google Plus: FaceBook Knock off or Something Else?

By the time this column is published, Google’s shiny, new social network Google+ should have approximately 20 million users. It’s one of the fastest growing services of all time. Have you joined yet? Still waiting for an invite? You can find my Google+ profile here. I’m asking myself and you this: Is this growth due to the sentiment that Google+ is basically an improved version of Facebook? Or maybe it’s something else? Google can learn a lot from Facebook, including…

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W2M: Website to Mobile – A Multi-Channel Retail Opportunity

I was recently discussing online retail with a colleague  and the challenge online retailers face in proving their value to their traditional brick-and-mortar counterparts. It made me wonder why no ecommerce platform (that I know of) has added the ability to send a shopping cart to someone’s mobile phone. Imagine you are on the Nordstrom website and you are looking at a number of outfits but you don’t want to commit to purchasing them until you can touch and feel them or…

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Everything You Wanted to Know About Us…

It’s often the most neglected page on your website; if you even have this page. However, if you do, it is very likely among the most visited pages. I may be dating myself but it is the Rodney Dangerfield of web pages. It gets no respect. Do you have an “about us” page? Is it performing at the level it should be? As brands, we should want people to like us, to share our values, to feel validated by doing business with…

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Jeffrey Eisenberg, Bryan Eisenberg & John Quarto-vonTivadar are the inventors of Persuasion Architecture.

Buyer Legends, LLC. 2017 13359 North Highway 183, Suite 406-525, Austin, TX 78750