
Deep in the Leaky Bowels of Google Search Rankings

Deep in the Leaky Bowels of Google Search

News of a Google algorithm leak has surfaced, unveiling a wealth of documents that shed light on Google Search “signals.” These records reveal an astonishing number of over 14,000 ranking factors or signals. As the community delves into these documents, conducting their own research and testing, a flood of insights is bound to emerge in the coming days.  The biggest issue with this new documentation is that for years, Google has insisted that factors such as Chrome data, clicks and…

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An Apology, A New Year, A New Perspective

The last couple of years have been difficult for many people. People struggled with all kinds of issues. Some publicly and some privately. I was in the later group. I tried my best to keep a happy appearance, but honestly it was easier to withdraw and focus the little energy I had on my family. I don’t regret it at all. My friend Alan Stein Jr, author of Raise Your Game & recently Sustain Your Game, shared an incredibly powerful…

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A Half Dozen Business Choices

Every company has to make choices when it comes to how it markets and sells and, in some cases, who it is and what it sells. In an e-mail exchange, Tom Grimes, a great and brilliant friend, shared with me what he’s thinking about in terms of business choices. Based on his list, here’s my own list of many of the high-level choices businesses typically make every day. It may help you make some more conscience choices of your own:…

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Does it Payless to pay less?

Do you want to get paid less for any value you bring to your customer? Obviously not! Do you prefer to pay more for products than they are actually worth? Today Payless announce they are closing all their stores. I want us to step back too late November/December of last year (yes only a couple of months back) and take a look at what we can learn from the PayLess disaster to understand how we need to adapt to stay…

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Every Action is an Expression of Belief

Our companies are nothing but the collection of action every one of our employees take. What beliefs do your employees have about the organizations goals and vision? In Alan Stein, Jr. new book Raise Your Game he quotes a famous Inc. magazine survey that first asked executives what percentage of their employees could name the company’s three top priorities. The executives guess 64%. When the researchers conducted the survey of the employees, the actual number was a sadly, only 2%.…

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How Do You Handle Revenue Blind Spots?

Companies routinely have Revenue Blind Spots that cost them 20-60% of their revenue. It is like revenue that disappears without you knowing it or seeing it. It is like heat escaping from a poorly insulated home or water leaking from an old bucket. Or like the daily death by a 1000 cuts (think Sears). There are really small ones like a paper cut and others that run much deeper.  Here is an example: Don’t let your blind spots get in the way…

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ecommerce moneyball webinar

eCommerce Moneyball: How AI is Behind the Next Generation of Retail Success

On Demand Webinar: Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game is about how Oakland A’s manager, Billy Beane, used data to level the playing field. With the right insights, he fought back against teams with far more money and resources to create a winning baseball organization. This won’t be a webinar about baseball though. It will focus on how AI can change the game for retailers to fight back against digital disruptors like Amazon. You’ll learn how retail organizations…

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Want Instragrammable Conversions? Leverage Context

Error 403! Probably not what you want to see when you “actually” engaged with an ad , reviewed the landing page and were motivated enough to click on the call to action. What went wrong and how to prevent it? When we work with clients on the Buyer Legends process to plan their customer experience journey, we always start at the end. Let’s look at the reverse chronology of the Sudo.AI Instagram lead capture. We don’t have access to their…

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Amazon Treasure Truck

Reviewing Amazon’s customer experience for their Treasure Truck offer of the day.

A look at the mobile experience, landing page, call to action, etc. for the #NES release offer. BTW this is what the Treasure Truck looked like when you arrived: What other brands would you like to see execute a fun truck experience like this one?

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Be Like Amazon Audible

Can I Send You an Audible Code?

Jeffrey and I have a handful of Audible codes left for free audio book copies of Be Like Amazon: Even a Lemonade Stand Can Do It. If you would be interested in listening to it and possibly providing an honest review, just send us a message as soon as possible. Please help me Speak at SXSW I, along with other senior marketers, have proposed a panel called: Thrive and Win in an Amazon World These great panelists and I will…

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Budgeting for Word of Mouth through the Customer Experience

This week I take a look at some simple things Magnolia Market in Waco, TX does to purchase Word of Mouth. For those that don’t know Chip and Joanna Gaines, hosts of the HGTV show Fixer Upper are a designer and contractor team that help people get their dream homes by buying houses that need a lot of work. Part of what is really cool about the examples I share in the video directly correlate to their “brand beliefs.” Anyone…

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How the Washington Post applies the 4 Pillars of Success to the Newsroom

This week we look at a recent NPR analysis of how the Washington Post became profitable after Jeff Bezos acquired them. It was as simple as applying the unifying principles behind the 4 pillars of Amazon success and leveraging the Be Like Amazon: Even a Lemonade Stand Can Do It flywheel. I am publishing these weekly over on my Facebook author page.

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Goodreads: Be Like Amazon Giveaway

We have teamed up with Goodreads to giveaway 10 copies of the hardcover edition of Be Like Amazon: Even a Lemonade Stand Can Do It. Good luck! Goodreads Book Giveaway Be Like Amazon by Jeffrey Eisenberg Giveaway ends June 08, 2017. See the giveaway details at Goodreads. Enter Giveaway

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What Might We Do For You Now?

After writing Be Like Amazon: Even A Lemonade Stand Can Do It, several people have asked Jeffrey Eisenberg and me: What do you do for companies these days? We’ve created a short list: Customer Experience Planning: We conduct workshops/ projects where we plan and optimize digital and real world experiences to increase sales, retention, and satisfaction. This includes commerce redesigns, process changes, continuous optimization, etc. Align Customer Brand Expectations with Business Metrics: We conduct workshops/ projects where we plan and optimize…

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all over the place

Want a free book that will make you laugh?

My friend Geraldine DeRuiter (@everywhereist) is about to release her first book. The book will be released May 2nd. The reviews have been amazing so far. I am sure you will love her writing like I do. Comment below why you would love a copy of her book for a chance to win. All Over the Place: Adventures in Travel, True Love, and Petty Theft

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Be Like Amazon Even a Lemonade Stand Can Do It

Would you like to Brand Like Amazon? Even a Lemonade Stand Can Do It

Some of you might have seen through our social media channels that Jeffrey and I have been working on a new book with our friend and mentor Roy H Williams. We have been sharing a new chapter every week. This Monday we will release Chapter 11. The book has only 12 chapters. If you would like to be among the first to read the book head over to If you subscribe you will receive by email a PDF of…

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When Retailers Wreck Relationships Because Of Pricing Errors

CyberMonday is becoming one of the most critical days for retailers today. According to IBM, Cyber Monday retailers saw online sales increase by 16.7 percent over last year. Retailers are using email and social offers to get the attention of their customers. In fact, according to IBM’s research: On Cyber Monday alone, IBM clients sent nearly 500M email notifications to consumers around the world – a one-day record high. Mobile push outreach continued its rapid growth and was up 47…

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Conversion 101: Creating an SEM Legend for Improved PPC Campaigns

In part one of this post, we took a look at the challenges a home remodeler or contractor might have at getting prospects to contact them and fill out a form from their landing pages. Before I go through the process and list all the questions our Persona might have, I want to ask you who do you think is the most successful SEM advertiser of all time? If you answer Amazon,  then I would have to agree with you.…

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Conversion 101: How to Create an SEM Legend Exercise

Don’s Contracting is in steady demand. The local market is tight, supply is low and demand is high. Don will tell you he makes his living off of word of mouth. He doesn’t worry much about online experience. He has a personal edge over many other contractors, because of how he makes his customers feel and the quality of his work. Don doesn’t think about the experience of the people referred to him. He knows this level of demand may…

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Why CEOs Don’t Care About Conversion Rate Optimization #CRO

I recently presented (slides below) at Conversion World. Sam Hurley; Digital Marketing influencer and Founder of OPTIM-EYEZ, asked me the following eight questions. The interview is still getting regular retweets so I’m providing a link to the interview and the slideshare. Jeffrey, why do you think CRO has become relegated to junior managers as a side project? Has it always been this way? How can those with knowledge of CRO get board members to invest in the practice? Can you give…

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Even Your Shopping Cart isn’t Sacred

Birth of the Shopping Cart The first rolling shopping cart was created by a Piggly Wiggly owner in Oklahoma City. Once a regular basket got too heavy, customers headed straight for the check-out line.  This robbed stores of incremental sales. So in 1936, that store owner introduced a rolling cart to make shopping easier. In CRO terms, he reduced the friction of shopping to increase average order size. The design went mainstream in the 50s. It has remained a retail “best practice”…

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11 Social Media Tools & How to Use Them to Boost Conversions

Social Media has become a key component to the success of many businesses.  Contextual Advertising, real-time word-of-mouth sharing and positive reviews help generate lots of traffic.  If you can’t turn that traffic into sales or leads, then the traffic is wasted. Knowing how to collect and use the data generated can be difficult if you don’t have the best tools. After all, you wouldn’t use a screwdriver to get a nail into a wall. According to 5 Trends That Will Change How…

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Omni-channel pricing with the connected customer

Sixteen painful minutes standing there while those behind us whispered obscenities under their breath. It wasn’t our fault. Standing on line waiting to complete a simple transaction should never be so painful. Let me tell you a story about how dynamic pricing issues and lack of cross-channel awareness created a negative message for a leading retail brand. My daughter was desperate, in the way only a fourteen year old can be, to purchase the Logo board game for her best…

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While I Have Been Gone…

First, I would like to apologize for not blogging here and sharing with you. It isn’t because I have stopped writing or haven’t been busy with our new startup, speaking and clients but I have been writing elsewhere. A few of the things I have written lately include: Separate Pieces Lead to Poor Experiences – on the IBM Commerce Blog Mindfulness As a Conversion Rate Optimization Tool – on the SalesForce blog Keys to Success for Online Retailers: Experts Weigh In…

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Digital Marketers they think you suck!

In this presentation below, Professor Mark Ritson (@markritson) takes on our growing obsession with social media. He explores how social media data gets pumped up so it outshines traditional media returns. He examines the fallacy of the independent digital or social media campaign that operates outside a broader marketing effort, and finally looks ahead to a post-digital world where 1980s-model marketing principles may very well prove to be the most forward-looking of all. It’s excellent and he provides some damning evidence…

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Are You Optimistic About SEO?

Since 2012, Searchmetrics has developed a report that looks at the ranking factors that Google uses which can help content marketers, webmasters, and SEO specialists to focus on those important criteria when developing content for websites, social media platforms, articles and blogs. I’ve been keeping a close eye on this space for nearly two decades and in 2011, I summarized all of SEO into the 5 R’s of search marketing that were evergreen and constant. Focus on how content on…

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Mobile Is Not The Next Big Thing – It’s Already the Big Thing

In mid 2013, mobile Internet access surpassed fixed Internet access, and according to comScore the gap is only widening. Many people are not as easily frustrated with mobile as they are with desktop, because their expectations are still low. It was the same way in the late 90s and early 2000s with desktop experiences. However, that forgiveness won’t last very long. Consumers will keep expecting more and more great experiences like those they get from mobile-optimized companies like Amazon. As…

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Increase the Persuasive Momentum of Your Conversion Funnels

Companies that plan and optimize persuasive momentum usually convert two to four times better than their industry’s average conversion rate. If you are not properly planning the persuasive momentum of your customer’s experience, then you are leaving way too much to chance. I like to keep chance as far away from my business as possible. I hope you might feel the same way. What Is Persuasive Momentum? In Waiting for Your Cat to Bark? we defined persuasive momentum as “the…

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4th Post – Recipes For Practical Customer Experience Design & Optimization # CRO #UX #CX

Please read the just published Personas: The Key Ingredient In Design For Conversion. It is the fourth in a series of six Recipes For Practical Customer Experience Design & Optimization posts. In case you missed them, the first four posts are: I. Pre-mortem because it is the antidote to Murphy’s Law  First we’ll explore the most impactful step of the process, the pre-mortem. Some of our largest conversion wins over the last two decades ever were the result of our clients going through the pre-mortem…

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#CRODAY Webinar 4/9/15 – Buyer Legends for CRO with Bryan Eisenberg

  Empower your team with 10 key ingredients for generating powerful customer stories that boost conversion.   Reminder: Don’t forget to register for #CRODAY on April 9. 2015 here With Buyer Legends, Your Team Will: Improve communication. Your whole team will see and understand the bigger picture and the important details Improve execution. You will turn big directives into purposeful and more effective actions Improve testing. You will understand how to plan and implement more effective and impactful tests Make more money. You will see improved…

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Interview With Bryan Eisenberg – Two Episode Podcast – Buyer Legends &

Bryan was recently interviewed by Rod Worley the host of “Inside the Jewelry Trade Radio Show” to let us know that his interview was now online. Here is what Rod had to say: Good evening Bryan, Just a quick note to say your episode(s) are live in iTunes and on our website. Why two episodes you ask? There was so much great content that we had to break it into two individual episodes. Studies have shown that once a podcast gets…

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50+ Digital Marketing Tools To Grow Your Startup

The one constant of Austin’s SXSW conference is the gaggle of startups trying to pitching for attention. Some deserve it, others not so much. was named one of the 50 Austin Startups You Absolutely Must Know About, I’m a co-founder and CMO of one of those startups.  I thought you might be interested in some of the tools that IdealSpot and other top Austin startups in town are using. If you do a quick online search you’ll notice that…

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Is Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) a Dead End?

April 9, 2015 will be the first annual International Conversion Rate Optimization Day. April 9 is also my 45th birthday. I’ve invested almost half my life evangelizing for conversion rate optimization (CRO). I should be thrilled but instead I find myself asking: is CRO, as it is practiced today, a dead end? The good news is that there is a greater awareness that increasing sales conversion rates offers a greater ROI than what you can get from optimizing your traffic;…

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Recipes For Practical Customer Experience Design & Optimization – Buyer Legends

This is an important post that Anthony Garcia wrote on the Buyer Legends blog If I gave you a recipe some of you would be thrilled and others not so much. You can cook a gourmet meal that will have your taste buds fox trotting. I know that to be true. When it comes to food there are alternative ways to acquire a great meal. However, when cooking up great customer experiences there are no alternatives. If you want customers…

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Get Buy-In From Skeptics – A Conversion Rate Optimization Case Study

Gerald’s grandpa is a 71 year old luddite who doesn’t use email or a smartphone.  So how did Gerald get his grandpa, the CEO of an old school catalog retailer, to champion a highly technical  shopping cart and checkout development initiative?  Gerald credits a significant part of this success, the ecommerce business was up 29.4% over budget this holiday season, to using the Buyer Legend process.   This case study shows: how stories help identify the most important variables to test; how the power of…

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What A Used Car Salesman Can Teach You About Empathy

He pushy pushed his way up towards the stage. I had just finished presenting the keynote at Driving Sales, an automotive dealers conference. He thrust out his hand and eagerly shook mine; saying “thanks … blah blah blah…. And then I heard him clearly “…too often I am obsessed with pushing customers through sales and I’m not helping them buy!” Really!?! That forced me to pay attention. I hope that he didn’t notice me picking my jaw up from the…

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Can Your Company Deliver What Marketing Promises?

As marketers are given better tools for storytelling, it may become harder for companies to deliver on the promises they are making. If I promised to give you $25,000 as a gift and then only gave you $10,000 you might be grateful, but you’d also be disappointed. Don’t bother to deny it. Once an expectation has been set, anything that falls short of that expectation is disappointing. Good marketers are paid to attract prospective customers. When attracting those prospective customers,…

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How to Get Traction for your Startup Business

Most business owners (who aren’t in stealth mode) want to get the word out about their new ventures in order to help build credibility, and trust. Those are critical barriers to overcome when you are a new start-up without a track record. I am no different. The past few months have been busy on this end: we published a new book, launched a new training company, and launched a new start-up. And like many start-up founders, I have to think about…

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Where’s Bryan? 12 Provocative Posts You May Have Missed

Things have been crazy the last couple of months since publishing our new book so I’ve been neglecting this blog a bit.  Just in case you missed it here are a few things my team and I have been working on in the past few weeks: 1. Conversion Rate Optimization I wrote about the future of Conversion Rate Optimization over at the eConsultancy blog 2. Improving Collaboration and Execution With Your Marketing Team On the SalesForce.Com blog I wrote about…

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The Stepford Personas: What Lies Beneath?

Conferences are fun. The drinks afterward are better. Confidences get shared. Let me give you a peek into Chad’s world. Chad is the chief marketing officer (CMO) of a very successful company you’d recognize and probably admire. I changed his name to protect the innocent. Chad’s Stepford Personas Janice, Duane, Samantha, Nathan, and Ari are our personas, explained Chad, while showing me a stunning deck. We invested a great deal of time and money researching our customers and these personas…

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You are Legend!

Your marketing deserves to be legendary! Your brand and it’s story crave sharing from one customer to the next. That is the difference between a story and a legend. Think about the brands you admire most; isn’t it because of how those brands make you feel? Isn’t it the way you “flow” through their delightful customer experience? is of those brands, even if they can’t seem to make a profit. Jeff Bezos is quoted, in the Everything Store: Jeff…

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Jerry’s Branding Punch Line

Do you know the one about Jerry and Jeff walking into a coffee shop? “I love advertising because I love lying.” Jerry Seinfeld tells the room as he accepts a Clio award for his work with American Express.  He goes on to describe how people are happy in the time between seeing an ad and experiencing the disappointment of the product.  He continues “I think spending your life trying to dupe innocent people out of hard-won earnings to buy useless,…

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Is that a Gap in Your Brand Story?

In days long gone a company’s brand story typically emanated from a single place, from the company itself.  Today, technologies like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, blogs, Yelp, and (insert technology dijour here) have given customers a powerful platform to get in on the act.   Too often there are two completely different brand stories being told; the story you tell yourself about your own brand, and the story your customers are spreading.  Which version of those two stories is most likely…

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Show Us Your Briefs

When I talk to marketers about their creative briefs the responses I get are about as diverse as the undie aisle at Target.  Their briefs come in all shapes, styles, and sizes and only the most brave and defiant don’t bother to use briefs at all.  Some will preach on about the virtue of briefs and their necessary role in covering the company’s marketing essentials.  Most complain their creative briefs offer too little support and grant their agencies too much…

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A 217% Lift Every Content Marketer Should Be Getting, But Will You?

Over the course of almost two decades, Jeffrey and I have worked directly with hundreds of content writers. Many of them were our secret weapons in many of our most exciting client success stories. Once the writers understood the personas they were writing for, had a clear sense of the narrative flow of the scenario and the context (where their content piece fit with in that scenario) they almost always delivered content that was both relevant and persuasive. However, a…

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How to Manage a Legendary Brand

There are bad companies, good ones, great ones, and then there are legendary companies. Legendary companies that disrupt, innovate, revolutionize their space.  These companies lead, not just in market share, but in the hearts and minds of their customers. They come in all shapes, sizes, and business models.  Yet each one can teach us something about how our companies can become legends. In just under two decades has become in the digital age, what the Walmart was in the…

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How to Convert More Blog Visitors

Jeffrey and I built our business on content. When we first started our agency in 1998, we had zero capital (even rent & grocery money was tough). What we did have, for those of you who really know us, was lots of opinions. So we started writing, first in  discussion lists (remember i-sales, etc.), then our own newsletter and then ClickZ. We started blogging before it was even called blogging or even thought of as content marketing. All these years,…

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Lonely Maytag Repairman

The Lonely Brand Story Meets Social Media

Brands must make sure their stories are being told properly across all channels and that they can measure alignment and congruence across the channels as well. In 1967 Maytag aired its “lonely repairman” TV commercial, telling the first of many tales of a Maytag repairman with nothing to do and nothing to repair. The Maytag repairman became an icon and for more than 40 years the campaign bound the word “reliability” together with Maytag in the minds of millions of…

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Developing a High Converting Landing Page {Slideshare}

This presentation should help you improve your current desktop and mobile landing pages as well as how to develop new ones. How to Design a High Converting Landing Page from Bryan Eisenberg I wanted to make sure people could take the context from each of my slides so I made sure to add speakers notes to my keynote presentation. If you would like to download a version of the presentation with all the notes for each slide you can find it…

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How to Design High-Converting Mobile Landing Pages {includes video}

To create effective landing pages, you should understand the anatomy of a landing page and it should be part of your landing page and optimization framework. After optimizing thousands of landing pages over the years, I want to offer this framework for understanding the 10 key elements of a perfect landing page and how to use it. This same framework works for both desktop and mobile landing pages, with the caveat that mobile landing pages need to be more bite-sized. 1. Logo: The…

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Amazon’s Performance Secrets

It was a great honor to present at the inaugural ClickZ Live in New York this week. I was asked to share some of what I presented. For years we have paid careful attention to Amazon, and I shared a few secrets we have discovered about what makes them so incredibly successful. Say what you will about them, but they are a formidable competitor to every business out there. However, what we most admire about Jeff Bezos’ approach to business…

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How to Get More Leads with Persuasive Scenario Planning

Take 30 minutes during your lunch break today and catch Jeffrey’s webinar with Marketo on “More Effective Lead Generation Using Persuasive Scenario Planning.”  Jeffrey will show you a scenario narrative process that ensures all business decisions are made explicitly by the team that owns the results instead of implicitly by the creative and/ or technology teams. Following this process will help you drive more micro and macro-conversions, improve testing and boost the effectiveness of your marketing communications. If your bottom line…

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what is keeping the cmo awake

SXSW, Not All That Keeps CMOs Up at Night

It sounds like IT, not marketing! Data breach, identity protection, customer security – these are terms that never concerned marketers much. The breaches that retailers Target, Neiman Marcus, Zappos, and other brands like Evernote, Living Social, LinkedIn, and Adobe suffered have impacted the way consumers are interacting with brands. Security is now also a chief marketing officer’s (CMO) challenge – it is no longer only a worry for the chief information officer (CIO) or chief technology officer (CTO). The challenge…

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Conversion Optimization 101: Opt-In Overlays

Last night, at a get together hosted by Noah Kagan of AppSumo, I was with my friend Peep Laja and several other conversion optimizers, Austin being declared the Conversion Capital of the World now. 🙂 Coincidentally, I was on his ConversionXL blog earlier in the day (his content is worth reading) and I grabbed a screen shot of his Opt-In overlay. There are so many good things about this design, but there are also a few things that should be…

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Can I Help Inspire Your Organization to Change in 2 Links?

I want to share two links I reviewed last week that will hopefully change the way you look at digital marketing & advertising and the way you manage data in your organization. Digital marketing seems to push people to be more analytical in their approach and there is nothing wrong with that, but you need to add the creative and intuitive side to your digital storytelling and marketing analysis. Start with this video (thanks to Jeff Sexton for the share):…

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Super Bowl 2014 Advertisers: Did They Win the Search Game?

There were many aspects of Sunday’s game that left people quite disappointed. Forget the game. I don’t even want to comment on the persuasiveness of the Super Bowl television ads. Today, we are just going to look at how well those advertisers did at blocking and tackling the digital marketing fundamentals of capturing search and meeting the expectations of potential customers arriving at their landing pages. You may be as disappointed as I am about what marketers haven’t learned in…

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Why Everything You Thought About Mobile Might be Wrong

Today marks my 13th anniversary writing for ClickZ. I have seen change happen more slowly than I believed possible and more rapidly than I could notice in this evolving digital marketing space. So, is 2014 the year of mobile? Do you remember every time over the last decade, when everyone claimed the year of mobile was just about around the corner? We all know how many times the year of mobile didn’t happen. When Apple released the iPhone and Google…

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10x blog subscriber conversions

Social Logins: Maximizing Conversions & Engagement

Do you publish content or have a blog? It seems everyone has one today. In the last year or so, many more companies have been in touch, asking us how to improve blog conversions. That could be from blog to actual leads or customers, blog to blog subscribers, blog commenting and sharing increasing, etc. Having recently published on my blog how Jeffrey and I helped Marketo increase their blog visitors to subscribers by 10x, I was asked to present more information…

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Great Metrics Lie About Social Media

A Bain survey recently shared that 80 percent of company executives believed they delivered a “superior experience” to their customers. But when Bain asked the executive’s same customers about their own perceptions, only 8 percent of customers felt those companies were really delivering. That’s a huge disconnect. How can that be? Great social media metrics often disguise mediocre performance. That’s what happens when metrics are focused inwardly on company performance instead of customer experience. It happens everywhere but nowhere is…

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Please Don’t Stereotype Your Personas

In my last column, I promised to show you how to take these lists of personality mapping attributes and turn them from your typical persona stereotype (soccer mom, techno geek) into characters that ensure deep understanding and empathy. Many of the techniques we use to draft our personas come from the same techniques used by great storytellers and scriptwriters. The goal of a great character is to make you emotionally connect with them and to empathize with who they are. Without empathizing with…

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Personas: The Magic behind the Mirror

Did you know most persona efforts fail as soon as the personas are completed? Teams create their personas, design slick posters to put on the walls, and say “these are our personas!” Creating personas is really just the beginning. A persona is not a document — it is a clear understanding of a target customer that exists in the minds of your team. Personas evolve as your data around them evolves as well. Every test you do, every insight you…

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90% of Content Marketers Suffer From ‘The Curse’ & How to Remedy It

When it comes to stuff in which you have a huge personal investment (your kids, your homes, your businesses), you risk losing your objectivity. Hey, it’s a human thing. Too much knowledge about your company and what you offer leads you to answer questions nobody is asking. When you’re inside the bottle, it’s hard to read the label. But that’s also when you risk pushing your own interests at the expense of your customers’ interests. This will often lead you…

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Michelle Smith & Persuading Your Potential Customers

In order to plan the click-through-experience models, or persuasion scenarios, on a web site, we develop archetypical fictional characters composed from real data, called personas, who represent your buying audience. We must allow for multiple personas to reach many of the same pages or marketing entities (emails, ads, tweets, etc.), but must separately address their needs. Before designing a single pixel or writing a single word, we get a feel – using a wireframe – for the experience the personas…

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10x Conversions, Complex Sales & Flipping the Funnel

Last week, Jeffrey and I were in the Bay Area of California to do some client training and work. On a quieter day we decided to visit our friends over at Marketo to catch up. A few months ago, we worked with their very talented team in redesigning much of the website, but two areas were set apart as a focus point of the redesign. As co-founder and VP of Marketing, Jon Miller would tell you how important having a…

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Complex Sales and the Persona Creation Process

How do you define a complex sale? Is it a B2B purchase? Is it planning a family vacation for 2 adults and 3 kids ranging in age from 4-12. Can it be purchasing new pillows for your bed? How about when deciding on an enterprise testing and targeting solution? As marketers we use the term frequently but as I often find people sort of know what it is when they see it, but don’t really define it well. You’ll often…

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What People Do on Your Site and Why

Ever since Google Analytics was introduced in 2006 people began an obsession with “what” happened on their website. They could understand that a certain number of visitors came to the website, that so many of them used the internal search, and that so many clicked here versus there. However, in order to progress to the next level in the analytics journey, you need to begin to understand “why” these things happen. Are there particular elements that decide certain behaviors on…

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What Makes a Good Online Copywriter?

Good Copywriters Are … “What makes for good online copywriting?” Both marketers and copywriters have their reasons for asking this question. “Can you recommend a good online copywriter?” Ah. Unfortunately we have considerably fewer answers to that one (although we wish we were busting at the seams with them). So one day, I enlisted my colleagues in brainstorming the answer to this related question: “What qualities must a good onlne copywriter possess?” Here are 13 things that we would look…

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Hidden Secrets of the Amazon Shopping Cart 2.0

You may be in a test cell right this moment. Go to, search for a book and look at their add to cart button, ready to buy area. Is the background of the box white or blue? Amazon is doing a significant test to their add to cart button and the area surrounding it, what I call the “ready to buy” area. This is the first major test of this area I have seen in years. In 2008, I…

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Google’s Search Magic Revealed

The closer you look, the less you see… Caught up in the day-to-day rhythm of business we rarely take the time to zoom out and see the big picture. Google search seems like magic and it only gets more magical. Let’s take a look at magic. Your brain, mine too, tricks you. The human brain fills in gaps to make sense of our world. For example in the image below what do you see? Do you see a triangle? You…

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The Shake Weight Challenge of Social Media

The social and mobile revolution is about data. It is the enormous volume, real-time velocity and variety of data from disparate sources that is causing indigestion issues for most business’ corporate metabolisms. It’s not a publishing revolution! The disruption caused by social and mobile technologies is not entirely about how the voice of every customer can be shared in public at anytime and anyplace.  There has been a major change–customer have different expectations of the companies they patronize. Technological and…

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The Smarter Data Manifesto

“An organization’s ability to learn, and translate that learning into action rapidly, is the ultimate competitive advantage.” – Jack Welch Fifteen years of working with many organizations (it is an impressive list) has taught us most organizations have not yet achieved a point where marketing analytics is like financial reporting: simplified; fairly universal; with a clear line of sight to business financial statements and tied to specific goals and objectives. If everyone had a simple marketing analytics framework that made reporting simple, then everyone…

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The Next Generation of Data Analysis

In the near future you will use voice commands to ask for actionable stories to be related to you from raw data. It sounds like Star Trek but it’s months away, not years. Today is the start of IBM’s SmarterCommerce Global Summit 2013. As part of the program IBM invited several industry influencers to attend the event. Last night, I spent some time chatting with Sandra Zoratti, author of Precision Marketing, Stratigent‘s Bill Bruno and Triberr‘s Dino Dogan. I shared with…

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Choose Not to Confuse

Every company has to make choices when it comes to how it markets and sells, and, in some cases, who it is and what it sells. In an email exchange, Tom Grimes, the owner of a Culligan dealership in Amarillo, TX and a brilliant friend, shared with me what he’s thinking about in terms of business choices. I thought about it and based on his thoughts, here’s a list of the many high-level choices businesses typically make every day. It…

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A 7-Point Spring Cleaning Checklist

People do spend some time tidying up their websites and marketing efforts. Yet, there always seems to be a few things they forget to clean up. Since it’s spring, here is a checklist for you to start getting your site in order: 1. Clean up your lists. This is a great time to send out an email to reactivate emails that have either never purchased from you or haven’t clicked on a link in one of your emails in a while.…

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Jeff Bezos’ Secret to High Conversion Rates

If you do business, online or traditional business, I hope you took the time to read CEO Jeff Bezos’ 2013 shareholder letter. In it he shares this tidbit: “Our heavy investments in Prime, AWS, Kindle, digital media, and customer experience in general strike some as too generous, shareholder indifferent, or even at odds with being a for-profit company. ‘Amazon, as far as I can tell, is a charitable organization being run by elements of the investment community for the benefit…

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Adopting a Culture of Experimentation

“Almost any question can be answered cheaply, quickly and finally, by a test campaign.  And that’s the way to answer them not by arguments around a table.  Go to the court of last resort – buyers of your products.” “Scientific Advertising” was published in 1923 by Claude Hopkins, who began to evangelize the need for testing and experimentation in marketing and advertising. 40 years later David Ogilvy a huge disciple of Hopkins was quoted as saying that “Nobody, at any…

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Leadership in the Age of Agility & Experimentation

Here’s the punchline; The role of today’s leadership is to “remove the speed bumps in the experimenters’ way!” ~ Scott Cook, co-founder and Chairman of Intuit Nobody worth arguing with argues whether search, social, and mobile technologies have impacted customers’ minds and changed buying behavior over the last five years. Today while companies worry about keeping ahead of their competition; the truly critical issue is keeping pace with their customers. Technological and social advances are forcing companies to embrace authenticity…

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Technology should support your goals, NOT slow you down!

While the one constant in business is change, the one variable that has greatly accelerated—due to mobile and social—is the velocity of change. This is why we now hear so much about the importance of real-time marketing, agile marketing, or the need for a fast corporate metabolism. The point of good marketing technology is to enable you to do more than you could manually. Consider these two examples: 1) Web analytics vendors replaced the need to analyze log files because using Excel was…

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How Can You Evaluate This Kind of Performance?

I just finished reading this article about an EBay study that questions the value of Google’s main Adwords service. I’ve been really impressed with eBay’s performance as of late, especially their mobile efforts. But, I am concerned how this news will be interpreted by others. I agree with them that any investment that is sub-optimal should be questioned about the value that is being returned. However, the first question they should be asking is, if their team’s efforts are really putting…

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Comparing the Anatomy of B2B Landing Pages

Last week, my partner and brother, Jeffrey and I were doing an in-house training for a large B2B marketing team. At the end of our training, we had them review a bunch of landing pages across the web to see how they could apply what they learned over the two day training. One source of inspiration for the landing pages they reviewed was this list of 30 beautiful landing pages. There were a few good ones (beautiful isn’t good), but…

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Facebook Offers Desperation

With news that Facebook gift sales and revenue are off to a rough start, they are starting to show how desperate they are for people to start buying gifts. Have you noticed their latest offer of desperation (Get $3 off your gift of $5 or more): Maybe they didn’t think people could see that they could buy their friends gifts when you go to wish them a happy birthday from the birthday notifications and below each person they tell you…

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Use the Data

When I studied the data and made an intuitive prediction that 80 percent of PPC professionals would be replaced by an algorithm in the next three years, my brother Jeffrey and I expected some resistance. We were extremely surprised at the misunderstandings that arose. We wholeheartedly agree that good marketers add value to the online advertising equation. As fellow ClickZ columnist Andrew Goodman responded: It’s certainly true that many “PPC pros” who work like (much inferior to the real thing) robots…

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How to Optimize Your Mobile Landing Page for Conversions: Example

A couple of weeks ago, I asked readers how they would optimize the following mobile landing page that I saw when I searched for Hulu on my iPhone’s browser. Obviously, there was an issue with the image loading, but that might not be the only problem on this mobile landing page. Techmirth, a former client and good friend suggested how they could deal with this image not loading: Don’t rely on a single image that may fail to load to…

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Marketing Analyst, You Better Up Your Game

Last week, I explained how 80% of PPC professionals will be replaced by an algorithm. However, deeper in to my article I also mentioned that “many of the “web analysts” who only function as data reporters without adding much business value” will also be replaced by technologies like NarrativeScience and Arria. I first came across NarrativeScience’s technology while coaching my son, Sammy’s little league team. I used an app called to keep the box scores and stats for every game. At the end…

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PPC Pro – You’re Being Replaced

You’re fired, laid-off, downsized, terminated, made redundant, rightsized, pursuing other opportunities, discharged, dismissed, pink-slipped. Search Engine Marketing professionals are becoming redundant, replaced by technology, so they should prepare themselves to hear those words. In the next 3 years, 80% of PPC professionals will be replaced by an algorithm. Those that won’t, will be the few who already provide high value or find ways to increase their value to clients. There will simply be fewer positions and high value change. If…

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Can You Optimize This? A Mobile Landing Page

My cable contract just ended, so I have been thinking about how little actual cable TV my family watches. I was wondering if we could do with Netflix, Amazon Prime Video and Hulu. I had some time waiting to pickup my kids from school, so while I was parked in the car, I decided I would do a bit of research on Hulu. Every way I navigated (direct url, click in search engine results) to the mobile website from my…

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Why You Won’t Crush It This Year!

I began writing this column on marketing optimization in 2001; yet this morning, 12 years later, I find myself in LA to train a well-known company that wants to start “crushing it” by developing an optimization culture, rarer than running a few tests a month. This is the third such training I’ve done this year already, and I am willing to bet this client will be one of the most successful of the three. Why is that? “A growth team that ‘crushes…

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Fanning the Flames of Big Data

Last week, an article in TechCrunch offered an opinion on “Why We Need to Kill Big Data.” Perhaps it was inspired by this tweet that was embedded in the article: “I hate the term ‘big data’. Its all just data. Someday we’ll all just call it data – but for now it’s big.” -Arun Jacob of Disney at #BDBN — Dr. Martin Wells (@BigDataInsights) September 13, 2012 Perhaps big data as a buzzword is used too often and inappropriately, but…

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Google Plus Needs to Become Content Marketing Friendly

Google+ may be growing, but anyone who spends time on it wishes it had more engagement with their connections and more content being shared. Unfortunately, it doesn’t. Why is this happening? It is not just lack of people, it is the lack of integration with the content marketing ecosystem. Even though there is a great mobile app for Android and iOS, it is still very web-centric. People will share content when they come across content they encounter on the web…

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The CMO’s Marketing Analytics Optimization Framework

In my last column, I shared recent research about how CEOs have lost trust in CMOs’ ability to be focused on business performance. Hopefully, when asked how your company currently measures its digital initiatives you don’t get an answer like this (LOL, well done Adobe): Seriously, the issue is that most analytics frameworks don’t tie all essential marketing metrics back to financial statements. We have been preaching about how this needs to be done since 2001. I suspect, that I…

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Conversion Optimization 101: Planning Social Media Landing Pages

In the last Conversion Optimization challenge I asked readers to review a series of promoted Tweets and the corresponding landing and thank you pages. The most important thing to consider for your ads or landing pages is the nature and context of your visitor. Social media traffic is fundamentally different than search traffic, therefore social media landing pages must be thought of differently than search landing pages. The social visitor isn’t seeking out your brand, your category or even your…

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Facebook’s Desperate Attempt to Prove Its Value (Test it Yourself)

Last week Adobe and IBM both came out with studies about how little impact Facebook had on referrals to sales on Black Friday’s online shoppers. Facebook then countered with their own evidence showing how they impacted traffic for retailers. Yes, there is surely an attribution modeling issue at hand here. But that is not the end of the discussion. Facebook has been working on a new conversion tracking program that will allow advertisers to track view-though conversions. View-through conversion rate is…

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Your CEO Doesn’t Trust That You’re Doing Your Job!

Did you see the startling statistic shared last week that 70 percent of CEOs have lost trust in marketers? If you’re a marketer, like I am, that should alarm you. According to the recent Fournaise 2012 Global Marketing Effectiveness Program, which has interviewed more than 1,200 CEOs across North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia, CEOs have lost faith in their marketing departments with their inability to prove ROI on campaigns: Furthermore, they have: Made the conscious decision not to expect more from marketing…

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Conversion Optimization 101: Social Media Landing Pages

This week’s conversion optimization challenge is to offer recommendations on a socially promoted whitepaper campaign. Bloomreach recently launched a Twitter campaign including some promoted Tweets to gain traction for their latest whitepaper, Moneyball of Marketing. Their Tweets included: New whitepaper: Moneyball of Marketing. Learn how big brands are using data to attract net new customers You already have all the customers you need. But your competitors should read “Moneyball of Marketing” to catch up. Your brand is huge.…

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Conversion Optimization 101: Copywriting Perspectives in Email Marketing

Last week’s conversion optimization challenge was to take a look at the webinar invite sent out by with the subject line: Webinar Invite: Lessons Learned From 90,000 Content Orders.  The email contained two major obstacles and a handful of smaller obstacles. The major obstacles are the copywriting perspective and the second one is the overuse of jargon. The smaller issues are related to building credibility in the host/presenter, the calls to action and point of action assurances. This is what…

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70% of CEOs have lost Trust in Marketers

According to the recent Fournaise 2012 Global Marketing Effectiveness Program, which has interviewed more than 1,200 CEOs across North America, Europe, Asia and Australia, CEO’s have lost faith in their marketing departments with their inability to prove ROI on campaigns: Furthermore, they have: made the conscious decision not to expect more from marketing than branding, look/feel good ads and promotions… CEOs feel marketers “live too much in the brand, creative and social media bubble”. This is a frightening statistic! What can be…

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The Wizards of Social Media

The more remarkable the customer experience (or piece of content), the stronger the desire to share it through word of mouth and social media. Just barely exceeding expectations isn’t enough. Remember, it’s important to be remarkable! The 3 Triggers of Social Media & Word of Mouth Marketing Recall the last few times you personally participated in word-of-mouth culture about your experience with a product or service. The product either exceeded your expectations or fell substantially below them. Either way, that…

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The About Us Page in a Social World

Since my column about the Power of the About Us page (remember 2006 when MySpace was really popular) was written, not a week goes by that I don’t receive a comment about it.  Every website needs an “About Us” page, it’s one of the most important but undervalued elements of a company’s website. This is especially true in a world where social media profiles allow us to connect content to people. The “About Us” page needs to show and tell about…

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Conversion Optimization 101: Email Marketing – Webinar Invites

This week’s Conversion Optimization challenge is to take a look at the following email I received from with an offer to attend a webinar: The subject line was: Webinar Invite: Lessons Learned From 90,000 Content Orders What would you do to optimize this email so that more people register for the webinar? Feel free to comment on subject line, design, or copy. The landing page for the webinar is at: Here is the text from the email from, if…

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Conversion Optimization 101: Perfectly Persuasive PPC Landing Pages

Last week, in our Conversion Optimization challenge we looked at the following PPC ad: and the corresponding landing page (image capture below): How would you optimize the ad and the landing page? My general guidelines for marketing with landing pages: Start your marketing with your landing page and ask yourself how it answer your personas’ questions and needs. Then choose an ad or email that would make them want to click and see that page. 7 Steps to Persuasive Landing Pages Step…

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It’s Not My Job: Why Marketing is Broken

I was in Moscow last week with Jeffrey, waiting in the lobby for a taxi. I passed the time taking screenshots of “promotional” emails and ads with their corresponding landing pages. After clicking through some ads and emails I needed to vent.  I posted the following message on my Facebook profile: Frustrated at the state of email marketing. Decided I would look at some of the “promotional” emails whisked away from my Inbox and decided to click through to some…

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Conversion Optimization 101: PPC Landing Pages

This week’s Conversion Optimization challenge is to look at a PPC ad I found on Google for the search term “SEO Management Software.” Here is the ad I clicked on: and here is the landing page (image capture below): How would you optimize the ad and the landing page? Is this the best ad and landing page based on the intent and buying stage for the key phrase? What things would you like to test here?   *Update: For how we…

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Conversion Optimization 101: Selling with Video

Last week in our Conversion Optimization challenge I asked, how would you improve this Quick Tour demo video found on the homepage of I won’t tell you any more about them. If you don’t know them it’s because the video should do a better  job of “selling” you. Watch the explainer video below and let me know in the comments if a) did this make you want to use on your website  b) what would you do to…

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The Grok’s Not to Miss Links for the Week of November 6th, 2012

Retailers, Black Friday is right around the corner. Super Storm Sandy has already impacted businesses this past week in many ways. Time is running out to make sure you are all ready for the holidays. As Andrew Goodman points out Your Holiday PPC Strategy for 2012: Yes, It’s Changed. Have you made sure the necessary changes are in place in your PPC accounts? For other last minute holiday tips you can still implement before holiday season 2012, pick up a copy of…

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Content Marketing: Superheroes Teach the Art of Storytelling

Last week, I visited ComicCon Austin with my 7 year old son. The people in costumes, the famous actors and characters were not what caught my attention. What fascinated me is the engagement that people had with these characters many of whom have been around for more than 50 years. That is the value of great content. I caught up with Shane Gibson, Chief Social Officer for WizardWorld and ComicCon to discuss the power of these iconic brands and to…

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Conversion Rate 101: Demo or Explainer Videos – Presenting Effectively

Since we just finished looking at how to optimize ecommerce product or hero images, I thought we should look at how to get the best demo or explainer video to help sell your service or product. There is no question video marketing is hot, but doing it poorly can hurt your chances at converting visitors. What proves to be true is that just like in every other media, you have to capture people in the first 8-12 seconds if you…

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Halloween Special: Frightening Landing Pages

Trick not treat! Most visitors clicking your promotions hope that you’ll offer them with some tasty treat. If instead you do things that shake their enthusiasm and frighten them from taking advantage of your offer, they’ll just bail on you no matter how delicious the treat you may be offering. In the spirit of Halloween, I’d like to offer you a chance to Trick or Treat with me. I just stumbled across this horrifying landing page: Booo! Can you list all the…

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Conversion Optimization 101: Optimize Your Product Image to Sell

Last week’s Conversion Optimization 101 challenge, asked you to look at the eBags TLS Workstation Laptop Backpack and the product image(s) they use. I asked you to let me know what  things would you test as the primary image display? They have multiple images, are all the best ones there? They even have a video, what would you do with it? So what things would you test as the primary image display? They have multiple images, are all the best ones there? They even…

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Grab Your Free Kindle Copy of a Great Business Book This Weekend Only

My friend Tim Miles has his birthday this weekend. So he decided that this weekend he will be giving away his book, Good Company – Making It, Keeping It & Being, for free on Amazon. I want you to help me give Tim a present back for giving of himself and allowing you to get this book for free this weekend. I want to help him be the #1 free Kindle Marketing book. Will you grab a free copy? No strings…

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Google Adwords Conversion Rates by Industry

My friend, Larry Kim just published some research his company Wordstream just released. Wordstream used the data collected by the AdWords Performance Grader, a free AdWords account audit tool which has evaluated over $1 billion dollars in annualized spending on Google in the last year (roughly 2.5% of total advertising revenues on Google!). For their report, they used metrics from accounts that were evaluated between July 1, 2012 and October 30, 2012. Here is a breakdown of conversion rates by industry for…

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TheGrok’s Not to Miss Links for the Week of October 25th, 2012

I know not everyone can keep up with everything Jeffrey and I read or share during the week. Here are some of those links you don’t want to miss this week: If you are doing any kind of Content Marketing, you’ll want to grab a copy of the 2013 B2B Content Marketing Benchmarks, Budgets and Trends Research Report. If your SEO efforts have been affected by the Penguin update you’ll want to grab a copy of the Google Penguin 3 Update –…

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Conversion Optimization 101: Make Your Product Image Sell

Social media and ecommerce are becoming even more visual.  With apps like Pinterest, Instagram, etc., the use of the correct photograph and even well shot video is critical in selling your products effectively. So let’s take a look at a product image this week and please list your top 3-5 suggestions for optimizing it. I chose my favorite backpack for traveling when I carry my laptop; it’s the eBags TLS Workstation Laptop Backpack. There are so many reasons why I love this…

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Average Conversion Rate by Industry 2012

For MarketingSherpa’s 2012 Website Optimization Benchmark Report they surveyed participants and asked them to write in what their average conversion rate was. Here is a chart of the results: While this is survey data and not the most accurate, at least it is a benchmark to shoot for. We also don’t know how each organization qualifies their conversions. However, where ever you are you should also try to figure out how you can improve your conversion rate 5-10% monthly.

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Conversion Optimization 101: Optimizing Complex Web Forms (w/ 10 Point Checklist)

Last week, I asked you to review and comment on how you would optimize this beautifully designed, but non-optimized form: The three most common form design problems: Forms that fail to reduce fear Forms that fail to build trust and credibility Forms that fail to reinforce benefits Unfortunately, this form page suffers from all three issues. Whenever we look at optimizing forms we should review each of the 7 form factors that affect form conversion: Size – the form looks…

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Just One Thing

Do you remember the movie where an ad executive played by Billy Crystal takes time off to go on a cattle drive and he befriends an old cowboy, Curly, played by Jack Palance? While they are out, Billy’s character, who is in search of the secret of life, is told by Curly, as he lifts his index finger, that the secret of life is “Just one thing.” Sometimes I feel like that old cowboy. Being a pioneer in marketing optimization…

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Conversion Optimization 101: Form Folly

There were some excellent responses last week’s CRO challenge post on a NetFlix ad and landing page mismatch. Thank you all! Today’s challenge is to explain how you would improve and optimize the form below . While the page looks polished and professional,  it is creating cognitive friction for visitors. You can be certain that where there is friction there is opportunity for optimization. Please be sure to click on the image to enlarge it and then provide a short list of your suggestions as…

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Conversion Optimization 101: When Ads and Landing Page Don’t Stink!

Last week I asked how you would improve scent from this NetFlix ad and landing page combination, I found while looking at FaceBook on my iPad. From a scent perspective the issues include: a mismatch of languages mixed messaging in the offers image issues – if I was on my iPad the landing page could have used a picture of someone holding an iPad. while they did try to maintain the color scheme of their ad and of Facebook, it broke…

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Last Minute Secrets to Boost Holiday 2012 Sales

We asked a bunch of our industry expert friends: if a small to mid-sized retailer asked you for a couple of low resource, high impact & simple to execute, tips they could use before the holidays, what would you tell them to do? The tips had to be simple for them to act on with the minimal amount of resources since we are coming up on crunch time. Some of the friends we asked include: Amy Africa, @amyafrica Linda Bustos,…

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Conversion Optimization 101: Ad Continuity/Scent

It was Dr Ed Chi, a Xerox Palo Alto Researcher, as early as 2001, who indicated that humans track information in a similar fashion to the way animals follow a scent. According to an article on the study: People… engage in what [Dr. Ed Chi] calls “hub-and-spoke” surfing: They begin at the center, and they follow a trail based on its information scent…. If the scent is sufficiently strong, the surfer will continue to go on that trail. But if…

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Conversion Rate 101: Effective Pricing Tables

Last week, I asked you to look at the pricing tables from the website and to offer suggestions on how to improve them. There were some fabulous suggestions, let’s take a look: Graham Charlton shared: A comparison table, as used by UK site Comet, would work better. Less busy and allows for side by side feature comparison. Also has a handy ‘highlight differences’ button. As he suggests Dell is not currently doing a good job highlighting the differences between the…

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Mastering Conversion Rate Optimization?

We (Jeffrey Eisenberg and I) were naïve and full of ourselves; in 2005, when “Call To Action: Secret Formulas To Improve Online Results” hit the major bestselling book lists. In 2006, “Waiting For Your Cat To Bark: Persuading Customers When They Ignore Marketing” also achieved the lists and we thought we were truly popularizing customer-centric conversion rate optimization. In accomplishing a mean goal we lost sight of the end goal. Client success and the recognition of our peers as conversion…

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TheGrok’s Not to Miss Links for the Week of October 4th, 2012

It’s been almost 3 years since I published one of these. However, I know not everyone can keep up with everything Jeffrey and I read or share during the week. Here are some of those links you don’t want to miss this week: First things first, if you are an online retailer do not forget to register for my free ClickZ webinar Guaranteeing Holiday Sales for Online Retailers October 9, 2012 at 1:00pm ET / 10:00am PT. I’ll be sharing tips from…

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Conversion Optimization 101: Pricing Tables – Ecommerce

On Twitter, I shared a link to this article from Smashing Magazine, Pricing Tables: Examples And Best Practices. When I shared it, I said that while many of these were beautiful there was still plenty of room for some conversion optimization. This won’t be as tricky as my first Conversion Optimization 101 post that you needed to pick up on the nuance that corporate culture trumps any conversion optimization tactics. Even so, we had some fabulous suggestions in the comments. For my…

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What Keeps Retailers Awake at Night in 2012 [Videos]

I just came back from’s Annual Summit in Denver, where over 4,000 retailers and industry supporters came to learn more about what the industry was up to. While I was there I thought I would spend some time interviewing some of my retailer friends and bring their words to you. I asked each one the following questions: Where do you think retail is headed in the next three years? What are the biggest challenges and opportunities you see for this coming…

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Just Released: The Website Testing & Optimization – Buyer’s Guide for the Enterprise: Second Edition

There are several things that prompted me to update the Buyer’s Guide to Testing & Optmization: 1. Since Google replaced Website Optimizer with Content Experiments, I had to comment on it. 2. I’ve decided to add a new tool to the introductory tools section. Which one did I choose? You’ll have to check. 3. I’ve added information about a few other enterprise solutions that weren’t included in the first edition. I’m still very excited about Monetate as a leader in…

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Conversion Optimization 101: Culture Trumps Strategy and Tactics

Last week, I published my first  Conversion Optimization 101 post and asked you if you could look at a particular screenshot and also to tell me: What’s wrong with this picture? How would you fix it? Here is the image: There were some very good suggestions on what you would do to improve this picture: Dennis Moons said: The three buttons: Previous, Process and Cancel all have the same colour and visual weight. I would change the Cancel & Previous buttons…

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Content Marketing Personas

It seems like only yesterday that I typed the following words into my computer: Conversion rate is a measure of your ability to persuade visitors to take the action you want them to take. It’s a reflection of your effectiveness and customer satisfaction. For you to achieve your goals, visitors must first achieve theirs. In order to help you understand what visitors need in order to achieve their goals, you need to have empathy about their journey through the buying process. Too…

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Boosting PPC Ad Click-Through Rates (CTR)

I’ve shared my Conversion Trinity concept with countless numbers of people interested in improving their click-through (CTR) and conversion rates. The key is in identifying the relevance for the audience and clearly articulating the value to that audience of your offering. This is not a trivial task. So I was a bit skeptical that crowdsourcing to a network of copywriters could bring people these kinds of quality ads. Crowdsourcing Ad Writing, huh? Last May, I was first introduced to a company called BoostCTR. I…

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Landing Page Optimization Isn’t Enough

Not long ago I spent some time analyzing a website for a presentation I was going to do. This particular retailer was willing to share some of his date just to get some valuable insights on how to solve a problem I see all too often. Landing page optimization wasn’t enough to solve the problems he had. There was no question that the pages on this site performed exceptionally well. Bounces were under 20 percent and the exit rates were…

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3 Steps to Squeeze More Out of Your Online Marketing

Everyone’s using the “r” word or worse to describe our economy. Just a month or two ago, online marketers were whispering the word for fear of contagion. Now it’s spoken out in the open. We all seem to sense that we’re in a recession or that one’s stalking us and tapping on our shoulder. There is no question that customers’ wallets are going to be tighter. Some sites are experiencing slight sales declines; others are prepping for the recession by…

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The 5 W’s of Purchase Behavior

In expanding the question about relational-transactional purchasing by asking the question of WHAT makes people buy, a fellow deep thinker from the Wizard Academy shared that we should also add in the essential “reporter” questions: I’d lump them into four categories: Who … Why … What … When-Where-How. Who, Why & What are big driving issues, while you can lump the other three (When, Where, How) together as the sort of mechanics of purchasing. WHO we are (or think we are and desire to be) deeply influences WHAT…

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Why Your Conversion Rate Matters Even More Tomorrow

Roy Williams, the Wizard of Ads, shares a brilliant insight from one of his fastest growing retail clients today in his Monday Morning Memo: I asked, “How is traffic trending? Are we ahead of last year?” “Roy, I don’t measure traffic.” “You’re kidding.” “Last week one of my salespeople made 63 sales presentations and closed only 24 of them. That tells me 39 people bought somewhere else. And right now they’re telling all their friends why they bought where they did. They’re…

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Discounting Your Discounts in Customers’ Minds

For Sale! Prices Slashed!! Marked Down!!! People have used many of the same tactics for centuries to focus potential customers on the value they’d receive if they were to buy now. But here is a question for you: Would your customers rather a product be marked down from $203 to $192, or would they prefer a markdown from $199 to $188? Either way you slice it, they get an $11 price reduction. For you, it changes your final price from…

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© 1998-2022 Buyer Legends, LLC. Bryan & Jeffrey Eisenberg

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Jeffrey Eisenberg, Bryan Eisenberg & John Quarto-vonTivadar are the inventors of Persuasion Architecture.

Buyer Legends, LLC. 2017 13359 North Highway 183, Suite 406-525, Austin, TX 78750