In God we trust, all others must bring cash!According to the recent Fournaise 2012 Global Marketing Effectiveness Program, which has interviewed more than 1,200 CEOs across North America, Europe, Asia and Australia, CEO’s have lost faith in their marketing departments with their inability to prove ROI on campaigns: Furthermore, they have:

made the conscious decision not to expect more from marketing than branding, look/feel good ads and promotions…

CEOs feel marketers “live too much in the brand, creative and social media bubble”.

This is a frightening statistic!

What can be done to restore trust in marketing?

Antonio Lucio, Visa’s Global Chief Marketing, Strategy and Corporate Development Officer, who has maintained his post for 49 months, said the secret is simple: “You have to be effective and deliver strong business impact.” He’s been able to stay in his role by delivering against three parameters, he said: business results, brand results and broader organizational impact.

I don’t see enough marketer’s and their organizations focused on the “broader organizational” issues when we all see evidence of marketing being broken because of silos and poor measurement & organizational practices.

What should we do as Marketers?