Landing Page

Conversion Optimization 101: Perfectly Persuasive PPC Landing Pages

Last week, in our Conversion Optimization challenge we looked at the following PPC ad: and the corresponding landing page (image capture below): How would you optimize the ad and the landing page? My general guidelines for marketing with landing pages: Start your marketing with your landing page and ask yourself how it answer your personas’ questions and needs. Then choose an ad or email that would make them want to click and see that page. 7 Steps to Persuasive Landing Pages Step…

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Conversion Optimization 101: PPC Landing Pages

This week’s Conversion Optimization challenge is to look at a PPC ad I found on Google for the search term “SEO Management Software.” Here is the ad I clicked on: and here is the landing page (image capture below): How would you optimize the ad and the landing page? Is this the best ad and landing page based on the intent and buying stage for the key phrase? What things would you like to test here?   *Update: For how we…

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Jeffrey Eisenberg, Bryan Eisenberg & John Quarto-vonTivadar are the inventors of Persuasion Architecture.

Buyer Legends, LLC. 2017 13359 North Highway 183, Suite 406-525, Austin, TX 78750