20121127-051714.jpgThis week’s conversion optimization challenge is to offer recommendations on a socially promoted whitepaper campaign. Bloomreach recently launched a Twitter campaign including some promoted Tweets to gain traction for their latest whitepaper, Moneyball of Marketing.

Their Tweets included:

  • New whitepaper: Moneyball of Marketing. Learn how big brands are using data to attract net new customers http://t.co/LKYiKc82
  • You already have all the customers you need. But your competitors should read “Moneyball of Marketing” to catch up. http://t.co/thHBnUgI
  • Your brand is huge. We’re talking, Hasselhoff in Germany huge. But are you attracting enough new customers? http://t.co/Y3kvSAQU
  • Please retweet. Moneyball Marketing whitepaper helps big brands knock the cover off the ball. http://t.co/HMpCXY7y
  • Search marketers: Quit arguing over how to slice the ROI pie. Instead, bake a bigger pie. http://t.co/thHBnUgI
  • You already have all the customers you need. But your competitors should read “Moneyball of Marketing” to catch up. http://t.co/thHBnUgI
  • What % of your search traffic contains your brand name? If it’s over 60%, you’re leaving non-branded $ on the table. http://t.co/7Bgw5LgT
  • Marketers, it’s not about slicing the pie. It’s about baking a bigger pie. http://t.co/thHBnUgI

The link sent you to the following landing page:

Once you completed the form and clicked on the “download now” button they took you to the following “Thank You” page:

What would you do to get more people to download the whitepaper from the landing page and what would you to to improve the “thank you” page?

* Update – see the follow up post at:

Conversion Optimization 101: Planning Social Media Landing Pages