My friend, Larry Kim just published some research his company Wordstream just released. Wordstream used the data collected by the AdWords Performance Grader, a free AdWords account audit tool which has evaluated over $1 billion dollars in annualized spending on Google in the last year (roughly 2.5% of total advertising revenues on Google!). For their report, they used metrics from accounts that were evaluated between July 1, 2012 and October 30, 2012.

Here is a breakdown of conversion rates by industry for both Adwords PPC search network and display network:

Industry        – – –    Search CR   – – –   Display Network CR

Finance:                      6.12%             – – –      5.12%

Travel:                          1.45%             – – –      2.99%

Shopping:                   3.58%             – – –      2.19%

Jobs & Education:    6.09%             – – –      2.09%

Internet & Telecom: 6.27%             – – –      2.96%

Comp & Electronic   4.79%             – – –      2.09%

Biz & Industrial:       4.23%             – – –      4.10%

Home & Garden:      2.21%             – – –      3.43%

Auto & Vehicles:      4.29%             – – –      6.15%

Beauty & Fitness:    4.56%             – – –      2.27%

They also shared additional benchmarks such as ad impressions, click through rate, number of clicks, cost per click, and completed sales. Check out the infographic below:

Google Adwords Benchmarks from WordStream