Social Media

Digital Marketers they think you suck!

In this presentation below, Professor Mark Ritson (@markritson) takes on our growing obsession with social media. He explores how social media data gets pumped up so it outshines traditional media returns. He examines the fallacy of the independent digital or social media campaign that operates outside a broader marketing effort, and finally looks ahead to a post-digital world where 1980s-model marketing principles may very well prove to be the most forward-looking of all. It’s excellent and he provides some damning evidence…

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Measuring Social Media: An Interview with Jim Sterne & Avinash Kaushik

Just last week, I had the pleasure of keynoting the fabulous eMetrics Conference in San Jose. While there I had a chance to sit down with my good friends Jim Sterne and Avinash Kaushik to discuss Jim’s latest book Social Media Metrics: How to Measure and Optimize Your Marketing Investment. If you are doing anything in social media, planning on it (and if not why not) then you should get a copy right away. Take 8 minutes and watch the interview…

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The ‘Remarkable’ Challenge in a World of Mouth Economy

Remarkable –adjective – Worthy of being or likely to be noticed, especially as being uncommon or extraordinary. “You want great marketing but nobody can be creative enough to compensate for the problem you have. The product you have been offering for the past 10 years just isn’t that remarkable, in fact, very few people truly even care if it exists.” When I told this to the new CEO of a company I advised on a call this past week, I…

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You Can’t Fake Social

Advertising guru, Roy Williams likes to say “Advertising only accelerates the inevitable” today I would add that “Social media only accelerates the inevitable.” The point is simple, if you have a good business, with strong values, a great product/service, that takes good care of employees and customers, advertising will help amplify your great story and your results. If you have a lousy product, treat customers and employees without respect, with advertising you’ll soon be out of business (although some airlines and banks…

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Social Media Policies For Your Business

How are you handling social media at your business? Chris Boudreaux from the Social Media Governance blog has a collection on 80+ companies social media policies and growing. There are an additional 30+ social media policies here, including an interesting one from Kodak (PDF) and a link to an Edelman report on how President Obama used social media for his campaign (PDF). Key points you want covered in a social media policy: Clearly define the extent and definition of what…

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Jeffrey Eisenberg, Bryan Eisenberg & John Quarto-vonTivadar are the inventors of Persuasion Architecture.

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