Retailers, Black Friday is right around the corner. Super Storm Sandy has already impacted businesses this past week in many ways. Time is running out to make sure you are all ready for the holidays. As Andrew Goodman points out Your Holiday PPC Strategy for 2012: Yes, It’s Changed. Have you made sure the necessary changes are in place in your PPC accounts? For other last minute holiday tips you can still implement before holiday season 2012, pick up a copy of our ebook

As Andrew points out and I think we all know mobile is critical to success for many of us today. Here are some great Consumer behaviour insights: Smartphone vs tablet usage. Even Google Admits Mobile Ads Are Causing ‘Deceleration’ In Revenue Growth.

One way to cope with the rapid increase in customer expectation is to mange with smaller teams. As the Harvard Business Review shares Smaller Teams Are Quicker. Like, no team should be larger than 2 pies of pizza can feed!

A good question for any one engaged with Content Marketing: Is it right for your sales team to follow up your content marketing efforts?

Big Data Doesn’t Work if You Ignore the Small Things that Matter. Companies would do better at satisfying and retaining customers if they focused on improving experiences even with small data.

Some practical posts to take advantage of:

Perfect Pinterest Profile Guide – with infographic checklist

The perfect Tweet length appears to be around 100 characters.

Best practices for navigation on the mobile web.

Google announced a bunch of updates to Google Analytics today. Here is a summary of the next generation of Google Analytics and what it means to you.

BONUS – Can you guess what kind of product this ad below is for before the end of the video?