Google has done a fabulous job putting together learning materials for their Google Analytics IQ Lessons – where you can follow the lessons in order to pass their GA IQ individual certification test. But the following will help you get the most out of your Google Analytics with this collection of links to implement, configure and get insights from Google Analytics.

Initial Setup of Google Analytics

Google Analytics Setup Checklist

Google Analytics IQ Lessons from Google’s Conversion University with videos

A Video Tutorial to Google Analytics Setup

Google’s Support Installation Guide

How to speed up your website when using Google Analytics

8 Stupid Things Webmasters Do To Mess Up Their Analytics

Google Analytics Custom Variables Overview

How to Link Google Analytics to your AdWords Account

Video: How to Setup Google Analytics with Flash

Google Analytics within Flex/Flash Applications

Tools to Be Sure Your Website Is Tagged Properly

SiteScan for Google Analytics

Web Analytics Solution Profiler

Firebug Plugin for Firefox

Create and Configure Multiple Profiles

Exclude Internal Traffic the Easy Way

How to Use Google Analytics Filters to Create Profiles

To Meet and Exceed Your Goals, You Must Have Them Set Up

How to setup Goal Tracking

Why It Is Important to Monetize Your Goals

10 Must Track Google Analytics Goals

How to Setup Ecommerce & Lead Tracking

Video: Tracking Ecommerce with Google Analytics

How Google Analytics Ecommerce Tracking Works

Installation & Setup of Ecommerce Tracking

Tracking Lead Gen Forms

Google Analytics Variable List

Tracking Conversion across Multiple Domains

Call Tracking in Google Analytics White Paper

How To Track WordPress Signups and Comments With Google Analytics

Google Analytics: script to track outbound links and downloads

Tracking Email with Google Analytics

Google Analytics for Facebook Fan Pages

Working With Filters

Matching Specific Transactions to Specific Keywords

Intro to GA Regular Expressions

Video: How to Setup Google Analytics Filters for Better Traffic Reports

Make Internal Search Work For You

5 Easy Steps to Enable Google Analytics Site Search Tracking

Google’s How do I set up Site Search for my profile?

Track How Often a Link on Your Website is Clicked

How To Track Internal Links in Google Analytics

Tracking UI Level Links: An Open Source Script

How to Setup Google Analytics Campaign Tracking

A 4 Step Approach to Google Analytics Campaign Tracking

Twitter and Google Analytics: What to Track

Adding Twitter Search to Google Analytics

Tracking Universal Search results

How to Make Reports More Accurate

How to Maximize Google Analytics Site Overlay Tool

Decrease Bounce Rate by Using target=”_blank” on External Links

Google Analytics Hack – obtaining full referring URL

Google Analytics Reports

Video: Google Analytics Dashboard: Measure Your Web Site’s Success

How to view Google Analytics Funnels for Segmented Data

Find Poor Performing Campaigns and Keywords

Google Analytics Benchmarking: How do you Compare?

Have Your Reports Emailed to You

Google Analytics Motion Charts Overview with a PPC Example

Setup Advanced Segments

Video: Creating Custom Reports

Find Out When Your Campaigns Suck with GA Custom Reports

Video Tutorial: Hacking Google Analytics for Keyword Research

Use Annotations to track website changes:

Get More Out of Google Analytics With Plugins & Hacks

The Ultimate Google Analytics Plugins, Hacks & Tricks Collection

The Complete Google Analytics Power User Guide

How to Export Google Analytics Data to Excel via the API

Google Analytics data in Excel Plug-in

Have you seen other great tutorials to get the most of Google Analytics that should be included? Please let me know.