calltoactioncover-newIt’s now been almost 2 years since I last did my training session “Call to Action: Conversion Optimization Training”  publicly. If you are looking to improve your conversion optimization efforts you’ll want to be there. I’ll be teaching a Search Engine Strategies Training course on November 5th, at the Downtown Conference Center in New York.

The other course I haven’t offered in almost 2 years is Persuasive Online Copywriting. Well you’ll be hearing more about the availability of that course from your desktop. Copywriter and copywriting teacher extraordinaire Jeff Sexton and I will be teaming up to bring you this course virtually. We’ll meet once a week for 3 weeks, you’ll have exercises and you’ll come out a much improved copywriter, even if you never wrote copy before. Let me know if you want advanced details before they come out later this week.

Avinash and BryanAs many of you know, I have been a faculty member of MarketMotive and have been doing training and workshops for members – well we are getting ready to launch a certification course in conversion optimization in January. They currently offer several certifications in web analytics, search engine marketing and social media. If you are interested in a conversion optimization certification shoot me an email and I’ll be happy to hook you up with a juicy discount.

One of my favorite parts of working with MarketMotive is working with my good friend Avinash Kaushik, author of Occam’s Razor, Web Analytics: One Hour a Day and Web Analytics 2.0. He’ll have some part in this certification course as well. Last time we were together at SES San Jose 2009, the folks from MarketMotive grabbed a video camera and found some people who had questions for the two of us. Check it out! Do you have some questions for us? Let’s also wish Avinash a speedy recovery on his broken arm.

On November 4th, I’ll be at the Ad:tech conference doing some roving reporting and interviews for WebMasterRadio. If you are going to be there, let’s try and catch up. If you’d like to be interviewed by me, send me an email and I will try to get it set up.