Big Data Marketing

Fanning the Flames of Big Data

Last week, an article in TechCrunch offered an opinion on “Why We Need to Kill Big Data.” Perhaps it was inspired by this tweet that was embedded in the article: “I hate the term ‘big data’. Its all just data. Someday we’ll all just call it data – but for now it’s big.” -Arun Jacob of Disney at #BDBN — Dr. Martin Wells (@BigDataInsights) September 13, 2012 Perhaps big data as a buzzword is used too often and inappropriately, but…

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The CMO’s Marketing Analytics Optimization Framework

In my last column, I shared recent research about how CEOs have lost trust in CMOs’ ability to be focused on business performance. Hopefully, when asked how your company currently measures its digital initiatives you don’t get an answer like this (LOL, well done Adobe): Seriously, the issue is that most analytics frameworks don’t tie all essential marketing metrics back to financial statements. We have been preaching about how this needs to be done since 2001. I suspect, that I…

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Conversion Optimization 101: Social Media Landing Pages

This week’s conversion optimization challenge is to offer recommendations on a socially promoted whitepaper campaign. Bloomreach recently launched a Twitter campaign including some promoted Tweets to gain traction for their latest whitepaper, Moneyball of Marketing. Their Tweets included: New whitepaper: Moneyball of Marketing. Learn how big brands are using data to attract net new customers You already have all the customers you need. But your competitors should read “Moneyball of Marketing” to catch up. Your brand is huge.…

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Big Data Does Not Mean Big Amounts of People

In my last few articles, I have been sharing some of the most interesting Big Data Marketing tools that focus in on marketing automation or adaptive learning & optimization platforms. The main reason is because I have seen how this movie plays out before in the CRM and Web Analytics space. There are hardly enough people out there that deserve the data of data analyst let alone the data scientists that Mckinsey is predicting the need for 150,000 or so…

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How to Catch Up to and Compete With [Video]

This week I conclude this series of columns about big data and what it means for marketers with a seven-minute video. I promised at the end of “E-Commerce Moneyball” that I would show you the tools that Amazon developed internally and leveraged to become the dominant e-commerce market leader. In the video I deconstruct’s category (landing page) and product pages to identify the features that online retailers can duplicate with some of the big data tools that have come…

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The Must Have Big Data Tools

In the column, “Claiming your Unfair Advantage, I describe four types of “Big Data” tools. Before I elaborate on these tools, I want to share a lesson from my friend Mark Huffman of P&G. When Mark joined the world’s largest advertiser in 1984, it was all about data analysis. “In God we trust,” one P&G marketer told him, “all others bring data!” Today, Mark is executive production manager at Procter & Gamble and is responsible for all integrated marketing. At…

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Claiming Your Unfair Advantage

In my recent column, “E-Commerce Moneyball: Chasing the Market Leader,” I briefly discussed how Amazon built tools for its own use that leverage the big data available to it. Let’s explore the types of tools that are available for you to leverage big data today. There are many reasons one can point to as to why has become such a dominant e-commerce player. Here are a few to highlight: It leveraged social commerce and the voice of the customer…

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Ecommerce Moneyball: Chasing the Market Leader

A couple of weeks ago, I had the honor to speak at the exclusive Acceller Summit in Miami. Some readers may remember Acceller from the case study I wrote about them and their CEO Steve McKean in my book Always Be Testing. Steve is the CEO who explained: “A culture of testing and optimization cannot happen in a vacuum, nor can it be mandated. You need a team that understands and believes in the principles. You need to communicate a…

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Jeffrey Eisenberg, Bryan Eisenberg & John Quarto-vonTivadar are the inventors of Persuasion Architecture.

Buyer Legends, LLC. 2017 13359 North Highway 183, Suite 406-525, Austin, TX 78750