
Confessions of an Online Tool Junkie

As many of my readers know, I have been a tool junkie for a long time. Every year for the past several years I have shared my favorite free and low cost tools to improve your website and online marketing efforts. Last year I published a list of 99 tools and this year I was aiming to publish a list with over 120 tools. Well, I got carried away and decided that it would be easier for you and me…

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99 Excuses For Your Digital Marketing

Let’s get right to that list…. 1. Online Marketing budgets aren’t allocated to enable you do to the job right. 2. Because of #1, I am sure you could list 98+ more reasons! Too often the C-Suite has not figured out that your digital marketing (I include web, email, mobile & social here) activity is the glue that binds their brand together. They miss that online is that initial first impression before most people even decide to step into your…

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Shouldn’t Analysts be Able to Explain the Narrative?

Below is an interview with a Danish reporter asking me for some thoughts about e-commerce. Don’t worry, once you get past the Danish the interview is in English.  By the way, I’ll be presenting the keynote at the  Danish Distance Selling and E-business Association (FDIH) later this month, so if you attend please come over and say hello. Q: What is the most typical failure concerning webshops in general? A: Too many companies put all their resources into the launch.…

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Conversions: Whose Job Is It Anyway?

I just presented the keynote at the European Conversion Summit in Frankfurt, Germany. It was the best attended conversion-oriented conference I’ve attended to date. In a discussion with the conference organizer, André Morys, about the number and backgrounds of the people attending, André apologized that Germany was at least two years behind the United States. Baloney! I told him I couldn’t agree and that I was very impressed with the number and quality of people in attendance. Nevertheless, I told…

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Jeffrey Eisenberg, Bryan Eisenberg & John Quarto-vonTivadar are the inventors of Persuasion Architecture.

Buyer Legends, LLC. 2017 13359 North Highway 183, Suite 406-525, Austin, TX 78750