Jeffrey Eisenberg

Jeffrey Eisenberg

Jeffrey Eisenberg is a recognized authority and pioneer of Internet marketing strategy; improving online conversion rates for sales and lead generation. Jeffrey speaks Spanish with native fluency and has transacted business in 26 countries. Jeffrey is also the co-author of the Wall Street Journal, Business Week, USA Today and New York Times bestselling books “Call to Action” & “Waiting For Your Cat to Bark?”.

Marie, the VP of Marketing, predicts that she can increase conversions to sales by at least 40 percent. She wants to conduct a series of disruptive experiments that make everyone nervous. Scott, the VP of Sales, is especially on edge. The lead-to-contract rate is already a respectable 7.1 percent for this not-so-new marketing technology B2B SaaS. If Marie is right, it’s a homerun. But if she’s wrong, Scott is predicting a debacle on an epic scale. You’re in charge. Would…

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Why CEOs Don’t Care About Conversion Rate Optimization #CRO

I recently presented (slides below) at Conversion World. Sam Hurley; Digital Marketing influencer and Founder of OPTIM-EYEZ, asked me the following eight questions. The interview is still getting regular retweets so I’m providing a link to the interview and the slideshare. Jeffrey, why do you think CRO has become relegated to junior managers as a side project? Has it always been this way? How can those with knowledge of CRO get board members to invest in the practice? Can you give…

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4th Post – Recipes For Practical Customer Experience Design & Optimization # CRO #UX #CX

Please read the just published Personas: The Key Ingredient In Design For Conversion. It is the fourth in a series of six Recipes For Practical Customer Experience Design & Optimization posts. In case you missed them, the first four posts are: I. Pre-mortem because it is the antidote to Murphy’s Law  First we’ll explore the most impactful step of the process, the pre-mortem. Some of our largest conversion wins over the last two decades ever were the result of our clients going through the pre-mortem…

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#CRODAY Webinar 4/9/15 – Buyer Legends for CRO with Bryan Eisenberg

  Empower your team with 10 key ingredients for generating powerful customer stories that boost conversion.   Reminder: Don’t forget to register for #CRODAY on April 9. 2015 here With Buyer Legends, Your Team Will: Improve communication. Your whole team will see and understand the bigger picture and the important details Improve execution. You will turn big directives into purposeful and more effective actions Improve testing. You will understand how to plan and implement more effective and impactful tests Make more money. You will see improved…

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Interview With Bryan Eisenberg – Two Episode Podcast – Buyer Legends &

Bryan was recently interviewed by Rod Worley the host of “Inside the Jewelry Trade Radio Show” to let us know that his interview was now online. Here is what Rod had to say: Good evening Bryan, Just a quick note to say your episode(s) are live in iTunes and on our website. Why two episodes you ask? There was so much great content that we had to break it into two individual episodes. Studies have shown that once a podcast gets…

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Recipes For Practical Customer Experience Design & Optimization – Buyer Legends

This is an important post that Anthony Garcia wrote on the Buyer Legends blog If I gave you a recipe some of you would be thrilled and others not so much. You can cook a gourmet meal that will have your taste buds fox trotting. I know that to be true. When it comes to food there are alternative ways to acquire a great meal. However, when cooking up great customer experiences there are no alternatives. If you want customers…

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Get Buy-In From Skeptics – A Conversion Rate Optimization Case Study

Gerald’s grandpa is a 71 year old luddite who doesn’t use email or a smartphone.  So how did Gerald get his grandpa, the CEO of an old school catalog retailer, to champion a highly technical  shopping cart and checkout development initiative?  Gerald credits a significant part of this success, the ecommerce business was up 29.4% over budget this holiday season, to using the Buyer Legend process.   This case study shows: how stories help identify the most important variables to test; how the power of…

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© 1998-2025 Buyer Legends, LLC. Bryan & Jeffrey Eisenberg

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Jeffrey Eisenberg, Bryan Eisenberg & John Quarto-vonTivadar are the inventors of Persuasion Architecture.

Buyer Legends, LLC. 551 S IH 35 Frontage Rd. Round Rock, TX 78664 Suite 369