Bryan Eisenberg

Bryan Eisenberg

Bryan Eisenberg is coauthor of the Wall Street Journal, Amazon, BusinessWeek, and New York Times bestselling books "Call to Action," "Waiting For Your Cat to Bark?," and "Always Be Testing." Bryan is a professional marketing keynote speaker and has keynoted conferences globally such as SES,, Direct Marketing Association, MarketingSherpa, Econsultancy, Webcom, SEM Konferansen Norway, the Canadian Marketing Association, and others. In 2010, Bryan was named a winner of the Direct Marketing Educational Foundation's Rising Stars Awards, which recognizes the most talented professionals 40 years of age or younger in the field of direct/interactive marketing. He is also cofounder and chairman emeritus of the Web Analytics Association. Bryan serves as an advisory board member of SES Conference & Expo, the eMetrics Marketing Optimization Summit, and several venture capital backed companies. He works with his coauthor and brother Jeffrey Eisenberg.

Mobile Is Not The Next Big Thing – It’s Already the Big Thing

In mid 2013, mobile Internet access surpassed fixed Internet access, and according to comScore the gap is only widening. Many people are not as easily frustrated with mobile as they are with desktop, because their expectations are still low. It was the same way in the late 90s and early 2000s with desktop experiences. However, that forgiveness won’t last very long. Consumers will keep expecting more and more great experiences like those they get from mobile-optimized companies like Amazon. As…

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Increase the Persuasive Momentum of Your Conversion Funnels

Companies that plan and optimize persuasive momentum usually convert two to four times better than their industry’s average conversion rate. If you are not properly planning the persuasive momentum of your customer’s experience, then you are leaving way too much to chance. I like to keep chance as far away from my business as possible. I hope you might feel the same way. What Is Persuasive Momentum? In Waiting for Your Cat to Bark? we defined persuasive momentum as “the…

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50+ Digital Marketing Tools To Grow Your Startup

The one constant of Austin’s SXSW conference is the gaggle of startups trying to pitching for attention. Some deserve it, others not so much. was named one of the 50 Austin Startups You Absolutely Must Know About, I’m a co-founder and CMO of one of those startups.  I thought you might be interested in some of the tools that IdealSpot and other top Austin startups in town are using. If you do a quick online search you’ll notice that…

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Is Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) a Dead End?

April 9, 2015 will be the first annual International Conversion Rate Optimization Day. April 9 is also my 45th birthday. I’ve invested almost half my life evangelizing for conversion rate optimization (CRO). I should be thrilled but instead I find myself asking: is CRO, as it is practiced today, a dead end? The good news is that there is a greater awareness that increasing sales conversion rates offers a greater ROI than what you can get from optimizing your traffic;…

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What A Used Car Salesman Can Teach You About Empathy

He pushy pushed his way up towards the stage. I had just finished presenting the keynote at Driving Sales, an automotive dealers conference. He thrust out his hand and eagerly shook mine; saying “thanks … blah blah blah…. “ And then I heard him clearly “…too often I am obsessed with pushing customers through sales and I’m not helping them buy!” Really!?! That forced me to pay attention. I hope that he didn’t notice me picking my jaw up from…

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Can Your Company Deliver What Marketing Promises?

As marketers are given better tools for storytelling, it may become harder for companies to deliver on the promises they are making. If I promised to give you $25,000 as a gift and then only gave you $10,000 you might be grateful, but you’d also be disappointed. Don’t bother to deny it. Once an expectation has been set, anything that falls short of that expectation is disappointing. Good marketers are paid to attract prospective customers. When attracting those prospective customers,…

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How to Get Traction for your Startup Business

Most business owners (who aren’t in stealth mode) want to get the word out about their new ventures in order to help build credibility, and trust. Those are critical barriers to overcome when you are a new start-up without a track record. I am no different. The past few months have been busy on this end: we published a new book, launched a new training company, and launched a new start-up. And like many start-up founders, I have to think about…

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Where’s Bryan? 12 Provocative Posts You May Have Missed

Things have been crazy the last couple of months since publishing our new book so I’ve been neglecting this blog a bit.  Just in case you missed it here are a few things my team and I have been working on in the past few weeks: 1. Conversion Rate Optimization I wrote about the future of Conversion Rate Optimization over at the eConsultancy blog 2. Improving Collaboration and Execution With Your Marketing Team On the SalesForce.Com blog I wrote about…

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© 1998-2022 Buyer Legends, LLC. Bryan & Jeffrey Eisenberg

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Jeffrey Eisenberg, Bryan Eisenberg & John Quarto-vonTivadar are the inventors of Persuasion Architecture.

Buyer Legends, LLC. 2017 13359 North Highway 183, Suite 406-525, Austin, TX 78750