
Physical Retail Is Not Dead Yet!

Amazon almost killed Best Buy. Then Best Buy learned to Be a little more Like Amazon and it is doing great. You too can Be Like Amazon while not being like Amazon. Any business, retail or services, online or brick and mortar can learn from these principles. Build relationships, help people buy instead of focusing on selling them, understand your employees & customers’ motivation. Find ways to remove the friction in the experience through innovating your current processes.

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Does it Payless to pay less?

Do you want to get paid less for any value you bring to your customer? Obviously not! Do you prefer to pay more for products than they are actually worth? Today Payless announce they are closing all their stores. I want us to step back too late November/December of last year (yes only a couple of months back) and take a look at what we can learn from the PayLess disaster to understand how we need to adapt to stay…

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Amazon Treasure Truck

Reviewing Amazon’s customer experience for their Treasure Truck offer of the day.

A look at the mobile experience, landing page, call to action, etc. for the #NES release offer. BTW this is what the Treasure Truck looked like when you arrived: What other brands would you like to see execute a fun truck experience like this one?

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Be Like Amazon Even a Lemonade Stand Can Do It

Celebrate Entrepreneurial Independence Day with a Free Read!

We all know the freedom that comes from being an entrepreneur. This holiday week a couple of friends of mine got together to offer you the chance to soak up the holiday sun, sip some lemonade and enjoy the gift of free and very low costs books to improve your business. Be Like Amazon: Even a Lemonade Stand Can Do It will be available this week as a Free Kindle download. You’re on a road trip with an old man…

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Be Like Amazon Even a Lemonade Stand Can Do It

Would you like to Brand Like Amazon? Even a Lemonade Stand Can Do It

Some of you might have seen through our social media channels that Jeffrey and I have been working on a new book with our friend and mentor Roy H Williams. We have been sharing a new chapter every week. This Monday we will release Chapter 11. The book has only 12 chapters. If you would like to be among the first to read the book head over to If you subscribe you will receive by email a PDF of…

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Digital Marketers they think you suck!

In this presentation below, Professor Mark Ritson (@markritson) takes on our growing obsession with social media. He explores how social media data gets pumped up so it outshines traditional media returns. He examines the fallacy of the independent digital or social media campaign that operates outside a broader marketing effort, and finally looks ahead to a post-digital world where 1980s-model marketing principles may very well prove to be the most forward-looking of all. It’s excellent and he provides some damning evidence…

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You are Legend!

Your marketing deserves to be legendary! Your brand and it’s story crave sharing from one customer to the next. That is the difference between a story and a legend. Think about the brands you admire most; isn’t it because of how those brands make you feel? Isn’t it the way you “flow” through their delightful customer experience? is of those brands, even if they can’t seem to make a profit. Jeff Bezos is quoted, in the Everything Store: Jeff…

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© 1998-2022 Buyer Legends, LLC. Bryan & Jeffrey Eisenberg

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Jeffrey Eisenberg, Bryan Eisenberg & John Quarto-vonTivadar are the inventors of Persuasion Architecture.

Buyer Legends, LLC. 2017 13359 North Highway 183, Suite 406-525, Austin, TX 78750