Continuous Improvement

Landing Page Optimization Isn’t Enough

Not long ago I spent some time analyzing a website for a presentation I was going to do. This particular retailer was willing to share some of his date just to get some valuable insights on how to solve a problem I see all too often. Landing page optimization wasn’t enough to solve the problems he had. There was no question that the pages on this site performed exceptionally well. Bounces were under 20 percent and the exit rates were…

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Physical Retail Is Not Dead Yet!

Amazon almost killed Best Buy. Then Best Buy learned to Be a little more Like Amazon and it is doing great. You too can Be Like Amazon while not being like Amazon. Any business, retail or services, online or brick and mortar can learn from these principles. Build relationships, help people buy instead of focusing on selling them, understand your employees & customers’ motivation. Find ways to remove the friction in the experience through innovating your current processes.

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How Do You Handle Revenue Blind Spots?

Companies routinely have Revenue Blind Spots that cost them 20-60% of their revenue. It is like revenue that disappears without you knowing it or seeing it. It is like heat escaping from a poorly insulated home or water leaking from an old bucket. Or like the daily death by a 1000 cuts (think Sears). There are really small ones like a paper cut and others that run much deeper.  Here is an example: Don’t let your blind spots get in the way…

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Be Like Amazon Even a Lemonade Stand Can Do It

Celebrate Entrepreneurial Independence Day with a Free Read!

We all know the freedom that comes from being an entrepreneur. This holiday week a couple of friends of mine got together to offer you the chance to soak up the holiday sun, sip some lemonade and enjoy the gift of free and very low costs books to improve your business. Be Like Amazon: Even a Lemonade Stand Can Do It will be available this week as a Free Kindle download. You’re on a road trip with an old man…

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How the Washington Post applies the 4 Pillars of Success to the Newsroom

This week we look at a recent NPR analysis of how the Washington Post became profitable after Jeff Bezos acquired them. It was as simple as applying the unifying principles behind the 4 pillars of Amazon success and leveraging the Be Like Amazon: Even a Lemonade Stand Can Do It flywheel. I am publishing these weekly over on my Facebook author page.

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Why CEOs Don’t Care About Conversion Rate Optimization #CRO

I recently presented (slides below) at Conversion World. Sam Hurley; Digital Marketing influencer and Founder of OPTIM-EYEZ, asked me the following eight questions. The interview is still getting regular retweets so I’m providing a link to the interview and the slideshare. Jeffrey, why do you think CRO has become relegated to junior managers as a side project? Has it always been this way? How can those with knowledge of CRO get board members to invest in the practice? Can you give…

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Recipes For Practical Customer Experience Design & Optimization – Buyer Legends

This is an important post that Anthony Garcia wrote on the Buyer Legends blog If I gave you a recipe some of you would be thrilled and others not so much. You can cook a gourmet meal that will have your taste buds fox trotting. I know that to be true. When it comes to food there are alternative ways to acquire a great meal. However, when cooking up great customer experiences there are no alternatives. If you want customers…

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Amazon’s Performance Secrets

It was a great honor to present at the inaugural ClickZ Live in New York this week. I was asked to share some of what I presented. For years we have paid careful attention to Amazon, and I shared a few secrets we have discovered about what makes them so incredibly successful. Say what you will about them, but they are a formidable competitor to every business out there. However, what we most admire about Jeff Bezos’ approach to business…

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© 1998-2025 Buyer Legends, LLC. Bryan & Jeffrey Eisenberg

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Jeffrey Eisenberg, Bryan Eisenberg & John Quarto-vonTivadar are the inventors of Persuasion Architecture.

Buyer Legends, LLC. 551 S IH 35 Frontage Rd. Round Rock, TX 78664 Suite 369