Pay Per Click management can be a challenge when you have lots of keywords, ads and landing pages you are working with. So many companies choose to use PPC Management software like Marin, Kenshoo or ClickEquations*.

marin adToday I did a Google search for SES Chicago that is coming up next week and I will be attending. I saw a PPC ad that I though was a brilliant idea. It gets an A for strategy, but an F on execution. Which is a major mistake for a PPC management vendor.

Don’t tell the world what you do, show them.

The ad reads: Marin Software @ SES SJ Check Us Out At Booth #620 Schedule A Meeting Today For A Demo

Their mistakes:

1. The event isn’t SES SJ (San Jose) coming up but SES Chicago.

2. They aren’t even exhibiting at SES Chicago.

3. Their landing page has no relevance to the ad. No scent. No mention of SES (Search Engine Strategies conference), meeting at the booth, etc.

marin landing page

Doesn’t the saying go, 3 strikes and you are out!

marin san jose 08 adUpdate: Just did a search for SES San Jose and found an ad from 2008. I think this should have been removed shortly after that show. What do you think?

* Disclosure: I am on the advisory board of ClickEquations.