Bryan Eisenberg

Bryan Eisenberg

Bryan Eisenberg is coauthor of the Wall Street Journal, Amazon, BusinessWeek, and New York Times bestselling books "Call to Action," "Waiting For Your Cat to Bark?," and "Always Be Testing." Bryan is a professional marketing keynote speaker and has keynoted conferences globally such as SES,, Direct Marketing Association, MarketingSherpa, Econsultancy, Webcom, SEM Konferansen Norway, the Canadian Marketing Association, and others. In 2010, Bryan was named a winner of the Direct Marketing Educational Foundation's Rising Stars Awards, which recognizes the most talented professionals 40 years of age or younger in the field of direct/interactive marketing. He is also cofounder and chairman emeritus of the Web Analytics Association. Bryan serves as an advisory board member of SES Conference & Expo, the eMetrics Marketing Optimization Summit, and several venture capital backed companies. He works with his coauthor and brother Jeffrey Eisenberg.

Hey Google, Where is Bryan Eisenberg?

In September, I decided to focus on evangelizing, writing, and speaking about what I have been doing for the past 12 years: improving companies marketing efforts with analytics, personas, and testing. I’m no longer associated with the company and blog I had been since 1998. However, the search engines had over a decade’s worth of links, many with exact phrase matches for “Bryan Eisenberg” pointing to those two domains that were a big part of my identity. What would I…

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Training, Reporting, Avinash & Certification

It’s now been almost 2 years since I last did my training session “Call to Action: Conversion Optimization Training”  publicly. If you are looking to improve your conversion optimization efforts you’ll want to be there. I’ll be teaching a Search Engine Strategies Training course on November 5th, at the Downtown Conference Center in New York. The other course I haven’t offered in almost 2 years is Persuasive Online Copywriting. Well you’ll be hearing more about the availability of that course…

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Why Do You Really Deserve Top Search Engine Placement?

Whenever someone tells me they want to be in the first 10 search results  I always ask- “why do you deserve to be in the top 10 search results?” I recently asked a VP of Marketing that question . His company is the #2 market share leader in their category, they have been producing their product longer than anyone else and they have more diversity in their product offering that their competitors. Yet they don’t show up in the top…

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The Portability of Content: Implications on Usage, SEO and Tracking

Last week, I moderated several sessions on Emerging Trends at the eMetrics Marketing Optimization Summit. A couple of the sessions were about measuring social media. That same morning announcements were made regarding the deals Twitter had struck with Microsoft Bing and with Google. With Microsoft Bing also announcing a deal with FaceBook. The gist of the deals, is that now your tweets or status updates can be found on the search engines. I think of this as a behavior changer…

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The Grok’s Not to Miss Links 10/23/09

Earlier this month, The Brand Show headed to Scottsdale, Ariz., for the BOLO 2009 annual conference presented by agencyside. I was one of the keynote presenters with Guy Kawasaki. After the presentations, the Brand Show sat down with many of the speakers and did interviews with them. These interviews include: Jim Lecinski, Managing Director of Global Sales and Service at Google and Amanda Vega, author of “PR in a Jar,” and Marc Poirier, President and co-founder of Acquisio. You can…

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Strategy Challenges for Effective Online Marketers, Part 2

In my last column I covered the first three of seven online marketing challenges. Marketers often find they need to: Reach more people. Reach better people. Have more resources. Improve testing and usability. Redesign. Obtain better metrics. Improve conversion rates. Let’s consider the latter four challenges: 4. “We need better testing and usability.” Evaluate how easy it is to buy from you. Determine if your visitors quickly can find what they’re looking for. Check out the ease of your check…

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Always Be Testing: Marketing Optimization in Challenging Times: Presentation

Last week I had the fortune to speak at the Arizona Internet Marketing Association. Thanks to their fabulous efforts you can watch my presentation online. Here is AZIMA’s October 2009 Social Event – Always Be Testing – Marketing Optimization in Challenging Times (link opens a new window – you will need Flash to view the presentation).

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30+ Google Analytics Plugins, Hacks & Tricks

Google Analytics provides some great information about what is happening on your website. But what if you want to take it to the next level? Thanks to the many smart people who have created these wonderful hacks and plugins to get you some powerful additions to Google Analytics. Please note most of these need the truly awesome GreaseMonkey FireFox extension. I’d also highly recommend the following 3 books for anyone trying to get the most out of Google Analytics: Brian…

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© 1998-2022 Buyer Legends, LLC. Bryan & Jeffrey Eisenberg

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Jeffrey Eisenberg, Bryan Eisenberg & John Quarto-vonTivadar are the inventors of Persuasion Architecture.

Buyer Legends, LLC. 2017 13359 North Highway 183, Suite 406-525, Austin, TX 78750