Bryan Eisenberg

Bryan Eisenberg

Bryan Eisenberg is an award-winning, internationally recognized authority in marketing and persuading customers. A pioneer in digital analytics, conversion rate optimization, persuasion architecture, persona marketing, buyer narratives, and customer experience, Bryan has co-authored bestselling books including Call to Action, Waiting For Your Cat to Bark?, Always Be Testing, Buyer Legends, Be Like Amazon, and The Rice and Beans Millionaire, all of which have appeared on Wall Street Journal, New York Times, USA Today, Business Week, and Amazon bestseller lists. With decades of experience, Bryan has been part of the founding team of four data-driven startups and has successfully raised capital for each. He has also advised over a dozen startups, guiding companies like Bazaarvoice, UserTesting, and Runa (acquired by Staples) to successful exits. His proudest accomplishments include helping thousands of companies, including Google, Chase, Dell, Disney, and GE, dramatically improve their sales using frameworks developed with his brother Jeffrey. A sought-after international keynote speaker, Bryan has headlined events such as, SalesForce's DreamForce, Direct Marketing Association, and the Canadian Marketing Association. His work has earned him recognition as one of the top 10 User Experience Gurus by eConsultancy, a LinkedIn Retail Influencer, and an IBM Futurist. He was also named one of the iMedia Top 25 Marketers and a Marketing Edge Rising Star. Bryan and his wife serve their local community, running A Place At Home – North Austin, a home care agency in Round Rock, TX. He also serves as Ambassador co-chair for the Round Rock Chamber of Commerce. Bryan takes pride in mentoring growth-focused entrepreneurs, from SaaS founders to local businesses.

21 Tools to Legally Spy On Your Competition

Have you ever wished you knew everything your competitors where up to? Well online it isn’t that hard. 1. SpyFu – Want to know what keywords your competitors are targeting in the search engines? Use this tool to download the list of keywords and adwords they are using. Don’t forget to visit their SpyFu Universty. 2. The Search Monitor – They have several tools including another great search engine competitive intelligence tool. The Search Monitor Track market share, page rank,…

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How to Launch a Newsletter That Readers Want to Read!

This week marks the 15th anniversary of my good friend Dr. Ralph Wilson’s newsletter, Web Marketing Today. Dr. Wilson’s newsletter was among the first newsletters I subscribed to in the mid nineties that got me started on my path to understanding what was happening on the internet. To this day I still open and read almost every newsletter I get from Dr. Wilson’s first business venture back in 1995 was designing and building websites for small and medium businesses,…

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Design for Persuasion

Ask any designer what makes a great design for a web page or web site and you’ll almost always here the same common themes; usability, intuitiveness, feel/mood, eye catching, etc. Yet few will respond with what makes your business revenue – how the page converts visitors to take the action you want them to take! Following are some practical and commonly overlooked elements of landing- and buying-page design to help answer some the above questions and help you think about…

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TheGrok’s Not to Miss Posts for the Week of November 6th, 2009

Do you send out emails to your customers? What is the best time to send emails? But David wants to know if you get personal with your customers! Customer reviews can do amazing things for your business. The questions is, how should etailers ask for customer reviews? As many of you know I am a online marketing tool junkie (did you miss my 69 free tools?). This week my friend Rand Fishkin shares 30 SEO Problems & the Tools to…

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Hey Google, Where is Bryan Eisenberg?

In September, I decided to focus on evangelizing, writing, and speaking about what I have been doing for the past 12 years: improving companies marketing efforts with analytics, personas, and testing. I’m no longer associated with the company and blog I had been since 1998. However, the search engines had over a decade’s worth of links, many with exact phrase matches for “Bryan Eisenberg” pointing to those two domains that were a big part of my identity. What would I…

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Training, Reporting, Avinash & Certification

It’s now been almost 2 years since I last did my training session “Call to Action: Conversion Optimization Training”  publicly. If you are looking to improve your conversion optimization efforts you’ll want to be there. I’ll be teaching a Search Engine Strategies Training course on November 5th, at the Downtown Conference Center in New York. The other course I haven’t offered in almost 2 years is Persuasive Online Copywriting. Well you’ll be hearing more about the availability of that course…

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Why Do You Really Deserve Top Search Engine Placement?

Whenever someone tells me they want to be in the first 10 search results  I always ask- “why do you deserve to be in the top 10 search results?” I recently asked a VP of Marketing that question . His company is the #2 market share leader in their category, they have been producing their product longer than anyone else and they have more diversity in their product offering that their competitors. Yet they don’t show up in the top…

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The Portability of Content: Implications on Usage, SEO and Tracking

Last week, I moderated several sessions on Emerging Trends at the eMetrics Marketing Optimization Summit. A couple of the sessions were about measuring social media. That same morning announcements were made regarding the deals Twitter had struck with Microsoft Bing and with Google. With Microsoft Bing also announcing a deal with FaceBook. The gist of the deals, is that now your tweets or status updates can be found on the search engines. I think of this as a behavior changer…

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© 1998-2025 Buyer Legends, LLC. Bryan & Jeffrey Eisenberg

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Jeffrey Eisenberg, Bryan Eisenberg & John Quarto-vonTivadar are the inventors of Persuasion Architecture.

Buyer Legends, LLC. 551 S IH 35 Frontage Rd. Round Rock, TX 78664 Suite 369