
How to Prove That Your Designer Is Costing You Money {4:00 video}

Often times, marketers approach me to tell me they think something is wrong with their page but they aren’t sure how to convince their designer or management that their are any issues. In this four-minute video, I share a simple technique and how to use attention mapping software like Feng-GUI.com to prove to your designer that they are costing you money. Attention mapping software uses software algorithms to create heat maps based on how people would engage with your Web…

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Google, User Experience & Thinking Beyond Conversion

Google is a money making machine; that is why it has tremendous influence in the online ecology. Google has a lot to teach the world about relevance, credibility, value & user experience. However, Google isn’t a training company; it derives more than 90% of its revenues from advertising. It’s fascinating that Google makes most of its money from advertisers (sellers) but is forced, like every media company, to think primarily about the experience of its audience (buyers). When buyers “buy…

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2 Ways to Legally Spy on Your Competition

Last week, I had the pleasure to present a webinar sponsored by Compete titled “How to Legally Spy on Your Competition.” Many people on that webinar requested a list of the tools that I mentioned on the call. I thought I’d share them here as well. For specific examples on how to use each of these tools, please check out the recording of the webinar. 1. How are your competitors doing now? One of the most common questions heard across boardrooms,…

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Will You Be the Next Person to Increase Conversions by 100%?

I couldn’t be prouder of my MarketMotive conversion certification students. For example, I had one of my students do a fabulous job critiquing websites at SES New York during a conversion clinic session and many of my students have been doing amazing work increasing conversion rates on their own sites and on several of the sites that volunteered to have our students work with them. In fact, one of those volunteer sites, a mobile application provider, increased their conversion rate…

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6 Marketing Secrets Not Worth Sharing

In the space of a few weeks I’ve had my material “ripped off” twice. One instance was OK by me, but one instance was not. The differences open up important questions at the forefront of the new rules involving content, sharing, social media, and copyrights. Today, ideas spread quickly. Volumes of great information are shared through Webinars, e-books, and social media tools like Twitter, Facebook, and SlideShare. Tracing an idea, insight, or fact back to its original source can be…

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21 Secrets of Top Converting Websites – The Webinar 1/7/10 12pm EST

Can you spare an hour this week for what took me the past decade to put together? This Thursday, January 7, 12pm EST, courtesy of my friends at MarketMotive, you can join me for this free workshop on the 21 Secrets of Top Converting Websites. The average conversion rate for a website is around 3%, but many websites convert at 10% or higher. What do they do that you may not be doing? Bryan Eisenberg, who has been helping companies…

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Training, Reporting, Avinash & Certification

It’s now been almost 2 years since I last did my training session “Call to Action: Conversion Optimization Training”  publicly. If you are looking to improve your conversion optimization efforts you’ll want to be there. I’ll be teaching a Search Engine Strategies Training course on November 5th, at the Downtown Conference Center in New York. The other course I haven’t offered in almost 2 years is Persuasive Online Copywriting. Well you’ll be hearing more about the availability of that course…

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Free Pre-Recorded Webinar: Recession Marketing: Pre-Click to Post-Click

If you couldn’t join us last Wednesday, you can join us with this recorded version of Recession Marketing: Pre-Click to Post-Click. Join Craig Danuloff, from ClickEquations and David Brussin from Monetate as we explore using personas to create better pay per click or paid search ads and a better persona-lized experience all the way to conversion.

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© 1998-2025 Buyer Legends, LLC. Bryan & Jeffrey Eisenberg

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Jeffrey Eisenberg, Bryan Eisenberg & John Quarto-vonTivadar are the inventors of Persuasion Architecture.

Buyer Legends, LLC. 551 S IH 35 Frontage Rd. Round Rock, TX 78664 Suite 369