
5 Steps to Increase “Qualified” Leads From Your Website

When you ask salespeople about their biggest gripe about marketing, they complain about not enough qualified leads. You can often tell that this is an issue just by looking at a company’s lead forms. What you’ll typically see is that the the forms ask for too much information and that can hinder conversions from visitor to lead. Marketers are often measured by the number of leads they generate. Sales people are measured by sales. Marketers don’t want to be held accountable…

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Play the Online Marketing Game Like “Charlie Hustle”

With Major League Baseball’s spring training under full force, it inspires me to look at how we approach our “online marketing game.” We can learn a lot about winning “conversions” from how the game is played. Most baseball people will tell you that you can win the game with the “long” ball or with the “short” game. When you convert a visitor to a sale or to a lead, hopefully you have scored a run your competitor won’t. Pete Rose…

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10 Steps to Optimizing Copy and Content

If we could spend only a few minutes working together to optimize your website, we’d still get results starting with a process. When evaluating and improving any type of content or copy, there is a quick 10-step process you can use. 1. Headlines. Why are headlines first? They are the critical attention-getters that allow your visitor to determine if the page is relevant to her needs in just a few seconds. Readers of your pages scan the headlines and sub-headlines…

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Optimizing the Conversion Rate Optimization Process

Confused about conversion optimization? You should be with all the experts sharing their opinions. After all, everyone is entitled to their own spin on the measure, test, analyze, and repeat optimization cycle. When Jeffrey Eisenberg, my brother and business partner, recently spoke at a WAA conference, he said that you should be able to predict the direction of your tests better than 50 percent of the time. Imagine that, we’ve arrived at the point where we believe that conversion optimization…

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How Many “Potential Buyers” Are You Driving To Your Website?

Just do It! Stop thinking of your traffic in terms of number of visits or visitors. That metric sucks! All that matters is potential buyers and actual buyers. Everything else just inflates egos. So instead of looking at your traffic by what marketing efforts are bring the most amount of visitors and converting best, look at your visitor mix as a starting point. There are 3 types of visitors who can come to your website: 1. Buyers – you know who they are because…

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How to Prove That Your Designer Is Costing You Money {4:00 video}

Often times, marketers approach me to tell me they think something is wrong with their page but they aren’t sure how to convince their designer or management that their are any issues. In this four-minute video, I share a simple technique and how to use attention mapping software like Feng-GUI.com to prove to your designer that they are costing you money. Attention mapping software uses software algorithms to create heat maps based on how people would engage with your Web…

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Free Conversion Rate Consulting for You?

In the past, I was able to offer a couple of websites free conversion optimization consulting from my MarketMotive certification students. Those students had some terrific successes with our volunteer websites. For example, one retailer increased their conversion rate by 132% and one lead generation website increased their conversion rate by 111%. I need more volunteer websites to work with my students. In order to achieve their certification, my students must perform a certain number of successful improvements for a website. Some of…

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Jeffrey Eisenberg, Bryan Eisenberg & John Quarto-vonTivadar are the inventors of Persuasion Architecture.

Buyer Legends, LLC. 2017 13359 North Highway 183, Suite 406-525, Austin, TX 78750