
Free Conversion Rate Consulting 2

In January, I was able to offer a couple of websites free conversion optimization consulting from my MarketMotive certification students. Those students had some terrific successes with our volunteer websites. For example, one retailer increased their conversion rate by 132% and one lead generation website increased their conversion rate by 111%. I need more volunteer websites to work with my students. In order to achieve their certification, my students must perform a certain number of successful improvements for a website. Some of these…

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Testing Like an Olympian: An Interview With Janis Lanka, Elastic Path

Janis Lanka (@janislanka, manages front-end development for Elastic Path Software and was responsible for testing on the Official Vancouver 2010 Olympic Store. 1.    What were the precipitating events that caused your company to start testing? 1)      We knew there were areas of the site that could use optimization: our homepage could be less busy; our product details page could better display key information; our checkout process could be shorter (too many people were abandoning the process mid-way). However, since these were “opinions,” and nobody…

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7 Form Factors to Increase Conversions

My last two columns focused on evaluating the five dimensions that make the 10 design elements of the anatomy of a landing page convert better. A prominent feature found on many landing pages is a form to complete, or at the end of a retail landing experience, forms required to complete a check-out. I haven’t written about designing forms on ClickZ since 2004 or on how to reduce shopping cart abandonment since 2003. (Sorry, as you can see by the 300+ columns I’ve written here,…

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The Google AdWords Drama

You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you might even kiss your money good bye. Google AdWords is one of the most remarkable advertising vehicles in the history of marketing. No matter how simple 95 characters seems to be, there is no denying the complexity of executing well. Of course, the fact that not all the rules or all the data are presented well doesn’t make it any easier. What amazes me is how most people don’t take full control over what they…

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MarketMotive Conversion Scholarship Winner

A few weeks ago MarketMotive, the rest of the faculty and I announced a contest to award a scholarship for a MarketMotive certification training. We received several fantastic submissions and it was very difficult to choose a winner. However, Evan Hinkle, “a 20-year-old, high-functioning individual diagnosed on the spectrum of autism” stood out for his wonderful submission that you can read below. Congratulations Evan, and thank you to all those who submitted an entry. I wish I had awards for…

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SEM Intent & Landing Page Conversions

If you knew the true intent of a search inquiry (query) and you could respond to that intent perfectly then you’d convert most of the time. For more than a decade Bryan, John and I have been working with clients to determine all the different buying modalities (read “Waiting For Your Cat To Bark?“) and provide relevant pathways for them. That’s complex. It’s hard work. I won’t deal with all that here. I will share just one powerful concept that…

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5 Dimensions of Landing Page Element Success

Last time, I shared with you the 10 landing page elements, such as the call to action, that make up the anatomy of a landing page. Once you have identified your elements, there are five dimensions to evaluate if the elements will work at converting your visitors. The five dimensions are: Relevance Quality Location Proximity Prominence Relevance Everything else about your page can suck (the technical term we use in Brooklyn), as long as you manage to understand your visitor’s intent…

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Will You Be the Next Person to Increase Conversions by 100%?

I couldn’t be prouder of my MarketMotive conversion certification students. For example, I had one of my students do a fabulous job critiquing websites at SES New York during a conversion clinic session and many of my students have been doing amazing work increasing conversion rates on their own sites and on several of the sites that volunteered to have our students work with them. In fact, one of those volunteer sites, a mobile application provider, increased their conversion rate…

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Jeffrey Eisenberg, Bryan Eisenberg & John Quarto-vonTivadar are the inventors of Persuasion Architecture.

Buyer Legends, LLC. 551 S IH 35 Frontage Rd. Round Rock, TX 78664 Suite 369