
Technology should support your goals, NOT slow you down!

While the one constant in business is change, the one variable that has greatly accelerated—due to mobile and social—is the velocity of change. This is why we now hear so much about the importance of real-time marketing, agile marketing, or the need for a fast corporate metabolism. The point of good marketing technology is to enable you to do more than you could manually. Consider these two examples: 1) Web analytics vendors replaced the need to analyze log files because using Excel was…

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How to Optimize Your Mobile Landing Page for Conversions: Hulu.com Example

A couple of weeks ago, I asked readers how they would optimize the following Hulu.com mobile landing page that I saw when I searched for Hulu on my iPhone’s browser. Obviously, there was an issue with the image loading, but that might not be the only problem on this mobile landing page. Techmirth, a former client and good friend suggested how they could deal with this image not loading: Don’t rely on a single image that may fail to load to…

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PPC Pro – You’re Being Replaced

You’re fired, laid-off, downsized, terminated, made redundant, rightsized, pursuing other opportunities, discharged, dismissed, pink-slipped. Search Engine Marketing professionals are becoming redundant, replaced by technology, so they should prepare themselves to hear those words. In the next 3 years, 80% of PPC professionals will be replaced by an algorithm. Those that won’t, will be the few who already provide high value or find ways to increase their value to clients. There will simply be fewer positions and high value change. If…

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Can You Optimize This? A Mobile Landing Page

My cable contract just ended, so I have been thinking about how little actual cable TV my family watches. I was wondering if we could do with Netflix, Amazon Prime Video and Hulu. I had some time waiting to pickup my kids from school, so while I was parked in the car, I decided I would do a bit of research on Hulu. Every way I navigated (direct url, click in search engine results) to the mobile website from my…

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Why You Won’t Crush It This Year!

I began writing this column on marketing optimization in 2001; yet this morning, 12 years later, I find myself in LA to train a well-known company that wants to start “crushing it” by developing an optimization culture, rarer than running a few tests a month. This is the third such training I’ve done this year already, and I am willing to bet this client will be one of the most successful of the three. Why is that? “A growth team that ‘crushes…

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Conversion Optimization 101: PPC Landing Pages

This week’s Conversion Optimization challenge is to look at a PPC ad I found on Google for the search term “SEO Management Software.” Here is the ad I clicked on: and here is the landing page (image capture below): How would you optimize the ad and the landing page? Is this the best ad and landing page based on the intent and buying stage for the key phrase? What things would you like to test here?   *Update: For how we…

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Conversion Optimization 101: Selling with Video

Last week in our Conversion Optimization challenge I asked, how would you improve this Quick Tour demo video found on the homepage of UserTesting.com. I won’t tell you any more about them. If you don’t know them it’s because the video should do a better  job of “selling” you. Watch the explainer video below and let me know in the comments if a) did this make you want to use UserTesting.com on your website  b) what would you do to…

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Jeffrey Eisenberg, Bryan Eisenberg & John Quarto-vonTivadar are the inventors of Persuasion Architecture.

Buyer Legends, LLC. 551 S IH 35 Frontage Rd. Round Rock, TX 78664 Suite 369