
Where’s Bryan? 12 Provocative Posts You May Have Missed

Things have been crazy the last couple of months since publishing our new book so I’ve been neglecting this blog a bit.  Just in case you missed it here are a few things my team and I have been working on in the past few weeks: 1. Conversion Rate Optimization I wrote about the future of Conversion Rate Optimization over at the eConsultancy blog 2. Improving Collaboration and Execution With Your Marketing Team On the SalesForce.Com blog I wrote about…

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The Stepford Personas: What Lies Beneath?

Conferences are fun. The drinks afterward are better. Confidences get shared. Let me give you a peek into Chad’s world. Chad is the chief marketing officer (CMO) of a very successful company you’d recognize and probably admire. I changed his name to protect the innocent. Chad’s Stepford Personas Janice, Duane, Samantha, Nathan, and Ari are our personas, explained Chad, while showing me a stunning deck. We invested a great deal of time and money researching our customers and these personas…

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You are Legend!

Your marketing deserves to be legendary! Your brand and it’s story crave sharing from one customer to the next. That is the difference between a story and a legend. Think about the brands you admire most; isn’t it because of how those brands make you feel? Isn’t it the way you “flow” through their delightful customer experience? is of those brands, even if they can’t seem to make a profit. Jeff Bezos is quoted, in the Everything Store: Jeff…

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Jerry’s Branding Punch Line

Do you know the one about Jerry and Jeff walking into a coffee shop? “I love advertising because I love lying.” Jerry Seinfeld tells the room as he accepts a Clio award for his work with American Express.  He goes on to describe how people are happy in the time between seeing an ad and experiencing the disappointment of the product.  He continues “I think spending your life trying to dupe innocent people out of hard-won earnings to buy useless,…

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Is that a Gap in Your Brand Story?

In days long gone a company’s brand story typically emanated from a single place, from the company itself.  Today, technologies like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, blogs, Yelp, and (insert technology dijour here) have given customers a powerful platform to get in on the act.   Too often there are two completely different brand stories being told; the story you tell yourself about your own brand, and the story your customers are spreading.  Which version of those two stories is most likely…

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Show Us Your Briefs

When I talk to marketers about their creative briefs the responses I get are about as diverse as the undie aisle at Target.  Their briefs come in all shapes, styles, and sizes and only the most brave and defiant don’t bother to use briefs at all.  Some will preach on about the virtue of briefs and their necessary role in covering the company’s marketing essentials.  Most complain their creative briefs offer too little support and grant their agencies too much…

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A 217% Lift Every Content Marketer Should Be Getting, But Will You?

Over the course of almost two decades, Jeffrey and I have worked directly with hundreds of content writers. Many of them were our secret weapons in many of our most exciting client success stories. Once the writers understood the personas they were writing for, had a clear sense of the narrative flow of the scenario and the context (where their content piece fit with in that scenario) they almost always delivered content that was both relevant and persuasive. However, a…

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© 1998-2022 Buyer Legends, LLC. Bryan & Jeffrey Eisenberg

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Jeffrey Eisenberg, Bryan Eisenberg & John Quarto-vonTivadar are the inventors of Persuasion Architecture.

Buyer Legends, LLC. 2017 13359 North Highway 183, Suite 406-525, Austin, TX 78750